Burien Police Chief Ted Boe on Tuesday afternoon, June 11, 2024 announced his resignation from the Burien Police Department/King County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) to pursue an “outside employment opportunity.

Boe told The B-Town Blog that his resignation will be effective as of Aug. 15, 2024.

Boe communicated his decision in an email sent at 2:07 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. In his message, addressed to Mayor Kevin Schilling and City Manager Adolfo Bailon, Boe wrote:

“After much consideration, I have decided to resign from the King County Sheriff’s Office and accept an outside employment opportunity. My last day in Burien/KCSO will be August 15th.”

Boe joined the King County Sheriff’s Office in 1997 and has served in various roles throughout his career, including patrol, investigations, and administrative positions. He became the Police Chief of Burien in 2018, where he has been praised for his commitment to community policing, transparency, and enhancing public safety.

During his tenure as Chief, Boe focused on strengthening community relations, implementing innovative crime reduction strategies, and improving department morale. His leadership has been instrumental in addressing critical issues such as homelessness, mental health, and youth engagement.

As we have previously reported, the City of Burien has been in a war of lawsuits, countersuits, press releases, press conferences and more with Boe and the KCSO since early March. The city stopped making payments for KCSO’s police services, and Bailon directed Burien’s financial staff to “place a hold on any invoices received from the King County Sheriff’s Office until further notice.”

This ongoing conflict all started on Mar. 11, when the Sheriff held a press conference announcing that police would not enforce Ordinance 832, which includes a controversial map that showed where camping would and would not be allowed. A court hearing was held on April 5, but a decision has not yet been announced.

Boe’s departure marks the end of a significant chapter for the Burien Police Department. The city will begin the process of finding a successor to continue building on the initiatives and progress made under Boe’s leadership.

The Sheriff’s Office said it will work closely with Burien city leaders in the search for the next chief of police.

Boe Releases Statement to The B-Town Blog

Chief Boe released the following statement to The B-Town Blog late Tuesday afternoon:

“I hope you can share with my community what a great honor it has been to be entrusted with their police department for the last 6 years. I will be forever grateful for the friendships I have built across our community.  I have assembled a team of officers that are second to none in their service to Burien and I couldn’t be more proud of the team I leave behind serving this community!

“Be well and thank you for your exceptional reporting over the years!  ~Ted”

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17 replies on “Police Chief Ted Boe announces resignation Tuesday, says he’ll take outside job; releases statement to The B-Town Blog”

  1. When do we see ceremonial mayor Schilling and city manager Bailon resign for the good of the city?

    1. When will you answer whether or not you called the Mayor “ceremonial” when you served Burien?

    2. That would be a great day. What a mess they’ve created, and what a loss for our community losing Chief Boe. Lucky DesMoines who is sensible in hiring him.

  2. Can you imagine the frustration working for Constantine and the Sheriff in a thankless job? I don’t blame him one bit for reading the writing on the proverbial wall, where King County is headed with leadership like that is a dead end.

  3. Wishing Chief Boe every success and happiness in his new adventure. The city was fortunate to have such moral leadership.

  4. It seems a bit early to speculate why the Chief is leaving, money talks and it’s possible an offer was made that was unbeatable. All of you have switched jobs more than once, anyone whose hasn’t isn’t looking out for themselves, also when you work for the County you get what your pay grade dictates, others can pay more.

  5. Chief Boe has my utmost admiration and respect. He and his team of police officers have done an amazing job for the city of Burien and its residents. I will never forget that the Chief said no to a big promotion a few years ago, preferring to continue to serve our community.

    Chief Boe, I often saw you walking the streets of our city. It added to a feeling of safety. I also got to know some of your team while volunteering for the pre-pandemic Community Court and Resource Center. Each one of the officers was most caring and helpful, not only to court professionals, staff and volunteers, but to the people we were trying to serve. And, on a personal note, I loved seeing you and your family at special community events. You were a part of the community for sure!

    Thank you for everything you have done for Burien, Chief Boe. With best wishes for your future to you and your family,
    Elisabeth Hurley

  6. Wishing Chief Boe all the best in his future endeavors!! The City of Burien was fortunate to have such a dedicated and moral leader.

  7. I am sorry that mismanagement on the part of the Burien City Manager and King County Sheriff have driven Chief Boe out of the law enforcement sector. It is law enforcement’s loss and a loss for all of us. Thank you for your fine service to Burien, Chief Boe!

  8. Betting he felt between a rock and a hard place. The elected city officials want to go whole hog on abusing, fining, and arresting our homeless population and he knows that punishing camping without available shelter beds is unconstitutional per the 9th circuit. Looking at how batshit this mayor and council are I don’t blame him for getting out.

  9. Chief Boe has been the best thing Burien has had going for it in a long time. Fair, honest, transparent – everything a city should want in it’s police force.
    I wish him nothing but the best in his future endeavors. This is a huge loss for not just the City of Burien, but the King County Sheriff’s Office also.

  10. I’m so embarrassed for my city. Bailon, Schilling and Mora need to either listen to the people and halt this nonsense, or step down.

    You have completely lost the confidence of the people.

  11. Thank you Chief Boe serving Burien and assembling a really nice police force here.

    Also, TY Burien City Council and Manager Bailon for doing your best to eliminate the drug encampments. My hope is that Burien can find the funding for our own police force soon. We need to get our from under the autocratic rule of the King County Sheriff, and back to democracy! Cheers!

  12. Thank you Chief Boe! I will no longer feel safe in Burien and look forward to day I will leave also. God Bless you Sir!

  13. The Homeless advocates might consider Chief Boe perhaps left because he does not agree with the policies of KCSO.

    Please note he quit KCSO with 18 years in (why is that). Perhaps he left to work in a city to serve and protect its people and not cater to drug addicts. And could no longer stomach the KCSO polices

    Don’t know never met the man, but I do believe it is a very good possibility.

    And all in all, I wish him the best

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