After several weeks of public feedback, Highline High School project staff, architects, contractors and district leaders have reached a final consensus recommendation on Design Concept 1 for the new north wall of the remodeled school (click image to view larger version):
The project team says this design provides the best opportunity to reflect the historic character and essence of the original school within the taxpayer-funded budget.
The board will approve the full design for the school as a whole later.
As we previously reported, an “Ask the Architect” community meeting held Oct. 19 revealed the final three plans, and the district asked for public feedback by Nov. 1.
Click images to see larger versions/slideshow:
HHS Design Concept
North wall design concept–view from the northwest: The rendering shows the two-story north wall with a rebuilt entry using existing materials salvaged from the original main entrance. The new north wall will use existing brick or new brick matching the existing red brick as closely as possible. Details like the ornamental busts of significant figures will be re-used. The Pirate stained-glass window will be preserved in the main entrance.
The new main entrance will be framed by glass panels that highlight the original entrance. The remainder of the north wall will employ red brick and metal with cast stone details reminiscent of the existing building. Existing trees will be protected along the northwest corner of the north lawn. Pathways and landscaping connecting students from the street to the entry will be added.
Here are the reasons the district selected Design Concept 1:
- Design Concept 1 has broad support from all stakeholder groups who provided feedback, including alumni, community members, families, staff and students.
- Concept 2 had equal support from alumni.
- Concept 3 had equal support from students.
- Half of respondents who expressed preference for either Concept 2 or 3 also noted 1 was their other choice.
- This demonstrates strong support for Concept 1.
- Capital Projects Oversight Committee, October 11
- HHS Design Review Committee, October 12 and November 30
- Ask-the-Architect Community Meeting, October 19 (approximately 50 in attendance)
- Feedback form (240 responses)
- Social media posts and comments