The B-Town Blog is proud to share our third annual winter Holiday Worship Guide:

December is a time of waning light, but the short days give way to a time of joyous celebrations of all sorts. We take time to pause and reflect enjoying candlelight and quiet. We gather with friends and/or family and express love and gratitude. The genesis of the holiday season is both a reaction to the seasons, and of a spiritual nature, though many know this time simply in its secular form.

Two winter holidays celebrated in our area are the Christian celebration of Christmas, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ; another is Chanukah, which is also known as Hanukkah. According to, it is an 8-day festival which “commemorates in particular the rededication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem by the lighting of candles on each day of the festival.” It lasts for eight days in remembrance of what Jews acknowledge as a miraculous lasting of a small amount of oil, lighting the temple for far longer than it should have. 

This year, Dec. 25 falls on a Wednesday and marks the most commonly recognized date for the celebration of Christmas. Because of this, many Churches will celebrate additional special services on Sunday, Dec. 22, 2024 including Christmas pageants or other special music or liturgy. 

Chanukah,  will begin this year on Wednesday, Dec. 25, and continues to Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025. There will again be a celebration at the Highline Heritage Museum  on Sunday, Dec. 29, to enjoy traditional Chanukah activities and to light the menorah. 

The Highline Heritage Museum also played stage to a delightful Christmas celebration of latino origins on Saturday Dec. 8. La Posada has been a well-attended and joyful festival featuring colors, culture and cuisine from the Hispanic community, making the Highline Heritage Museum a hub for community connection during this special season.

In recognition of this time, we have compiled a directory of local area churches and synagogues, for those readers who are interested in becoming familiar with congregations in our area. The simple text listings were provided free of charge, while featured listings carry a modest fee.

Every effort was made to capture the information accurately, and create an ample representation, however should you find an error or omission, please submit corrections or requested additions to

A final note:

We hereby honor and affirm all faith traditions, and look forward to continue expanding this feature to highlight a further diversity of celebrations. If you have a winter celebration to share please email us at

Since 2007, The B-Town Blog is Burien’s multiple award-winning hyperlocal news/events website dedicated to independent journalism.

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