BTB Publisher/Editor Scott Schaefer found time to affix a GoPro HD camera to the B-Town Blogmobile and drive on the Alaskan Way Viaduct recently, and he used that footage to create this ‘Goodbye Viaduct’ video love letter:
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VIDEO: 'Goodbye Viaduct,' A Video Love Letter By Scott Schaefer
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I am so sad and disgusted by this whole thing. Money grubbing jerks that are taking this away from all of us. Makes me very sad. :o(
Really? Have you no concept of the dire consequences another large (and anticipated) earthquake could have? Have you seen the pics from San Francisco’s Nimitz Freeway? Their similar structure collapsed in a moderate quake. The bridge designs were nearly identical. Wake up and smell reality – and start preparing for it!
If the city wanted to spend the money to retrofit the viaduct, it would cost a fraction of that it will be to build the tunnel. This is all because of the developers who want their “views” and the enviro-wackos (one of which is the current mayor of Seattle…scum sucking twit that he is) who are so backward thinking that they think a tunnel with half the capacity for traffic will get people onto mass transit permanently. They may get their wish, as they tighten the noose with imposing tolls on all major freeways by 2025.
Call these idiots out for who they are.
do your homework AP. you are wrong.
Thanks for this video. The decision was so short sighted of our elected officials and it iscomplete nonsense to dig a tunnel. Thanks to all those who tried to encourage a sensible solution so we could keep our precious viaduct. Now we will have another ‘park’ that is not safe to use and property owners on Western and Alaskan Way can raise their rents!! (no, they wouldn’t do that, would they?)
Excellent Job Scott! I feel the same way. Love your work!
Thanks for this wonderful video tribute. I feel the same way, too. I’m deeply saddened by the loss of our Viaduct–and our city as well. Why must every corner of Seattle be gentrified?! And in their haste, have they forgotten the Viaduct sits on an old garbage dump? How is that structurally sound for boring a tunnel?
I grew up with the Viaduct. I rode with my late father & mother as a kid, then drove it as an adult with my own kids. Such spectacular views! I, for one, enjoyed the bumpy ride; it reminded me of riding a big horse & I loved it. There is NO reason other than GREED it was decided not to fix it. It IS (or was…) fixable, “we” just MUST have gentrification at all costs.
I am very depressed seeing the pictures in the news of the “happy demolition.” Very sad.