Another great video has surfaced, this one by Alisa Lemire Brooks of the Orca Network, shot on the morning of Nov. 3, showing members of J & K pods, along with L87 in resting mode traveling in three very large, tight groups off Burien’s Three Tree Point: [youtube][/youtube] Alisa adds:
Love those family bonds! Mid video is newest calf J53 w/J17 (thank you Sara Hysong-Shimazu). Early reports had them along the shores of Vashon/Maury Island. I caught up to them at Three Tree Point in Burien as they travel northbound mid channel in resting mode. To learn more about Southern Resident Killer Whales and what you can do to help them, please visit and support these organizations: and… SOUTHERN RESIDENTS NEED CHINOOK SALMON NOW! To help Southern Resident Killer Whale Chinook Salmon Initiative breach the four lower Snake River dams please visit them at To listen to underwater hydrophones, visit]]>
Thank you Alisa!
Great film! Thank you for the info and letting us see all of these ORCA swimming so close by our shoreline. My they are BIG! Love seeing so many at one time!