Volunteers are needed for a Forest Rescue in North SeaTac Park on Sunday, Dec. 18, 2022.
Help restore beautiful North SeaTac Park’s forest and keep native trees safe from invasive weeds.
Volunteers have been transforming this area filled with Douglas Fir, Cedar, Madrones and more, since fall of 2020. A thick mat of ivy covering the ground and tree trunks – along with blackberry vines entangling the lower branches of trees – has been cleared in a large area, new trees, shrubs, and ferns have been planted, and native plants are regrowing.
“Your help is needed to keep the new plantings safe and open new areas still covered in weeds. Come learn some restoration basics and help out your community. This is work that matters!”
Details and registration are here: https://seatac.greencitypartnerships.org/event/69/.
This is a project of the Green SeaTac Partnership, a collaborative effort between Forterra, the City of SeaTac, and residents.
WHAT: Forest Rescue in North SeaTac Park.
WHEN: Sunday, Dec. 18, 2022, from 10 a.m. to Noon.
WHERE: Corner of S. 128th Street and Des Moines Memorial Drive S.: