A new paid Diamond Parking lot has opened near the Elliott Building, located at 920 SW 152nd Street in Olde Burien.[/caption]
A new paid Diamond Parking lot opened in the 900 block on SW 152nd Street Olde Burien on Wednesday, Sept. 7.
This is the second paid parking lot in that neighborhood. The first is a gravel one located on 9th Ave SW, just south of SW 152nd Street (read a Letter to the Editor about that here).
Sources told The B-Town Blog that this once-free lot – located on private property between the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest building (930 SW 152nd Street) and The Mark Restaurant (at 918 SW 152nd) – had recently been overwhelmed since the other paid lot was activated in late June.
The new owners of the that building (Remick and Heather Merry) then decided to change their parking lot to a paid one, which has at least 15 stalls. So they contracted with Seattle’s Diamond Parking, which also operates and monitors Olde Burien’s other paid lot on 9th Ave SW.
We have heard from many residents who are not happy with this new lot, including a few we’ve warned in person as we’ve seen them park and wander off without paying.
As you can see in the photos below, to pay for parking in this new Diamond lot you need to have a cell phone. You cannot pay with cash or a debit/credit card on site (click images to see larger versions/slideshow)
The parking rates (including “processing fees”) from the posted hours of 5 a.m. (!) – 5 p.m. are:
- $1.09 for 1 hour
- $2.19 for 2 hours
- $3.29 for 3 hours
- $4.39 for 4 hours
- $5.49 for 10 hours/all day
What BS !
Need a cell phone to pay for parking, in an area that was once free.
I hope the greed of several people does not ruin Olde Burien.
Greed rules! Forget the small town neighborliness we have been accustomed to heretofore.
Owners enjoy!
They will never get a dime from me. It’s sad for the businesses if they lose customers but hold the lot owners responsible for that. It takes away from the appeal of the simplicity of shopping and dining in a small town. We can add Remick and Heather Merry to the list of capitalistic greedy people. This should stay in big cities. Things like this ruin small town America.
Nicky Says:
I guess you are going to have to stop going to EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS in Burien then. I got news for you, EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS OWNER is a capitalist trying to get you to spend your money at their business. When a socialist opens a business in Burien, then maybe you can get everything for free.
Seems like the theme of most of these comments is me, me, me, me, me, and I, I, I, I.
Wow, nothing like changing the entire meaning of a comment. Where did I say I wouldn’t support local businesses? I said I won’t pay for parking in a small town like Burien. Big difference if you take the time to understand what is written.
Lucky me! I just got a $40 parking ticket yesterday for parking next to the Berkshire Hathaway building. You’re right….it’s your property, do with it as you see fit BUT the business friendly thing to do is to forewarn your customers about the change AND don’t place the HOW TO PAY sign between to large shrubs so the driver can not see it when they park.
Did I mention how great the parking and businesses are in Normandy Park Towne Center? Located at S. 200th and 1st Ave. Check it out!
Well these folks have joined the City of Burien in charging for parking spaces. But Burien has it over Diamond in charging thousands of dollars per space. Is everyone in Burien seriously trying to kill businesses? Time to elect some business friendly council members.
I don’t understand why everyone is so upset. For years you have all been able to park for free on someone else’s property. The property that someone else must pay taxes on, and pays to maintain. Shame on them for thinking that the people getting the most use out of it should also help maintain it. (Sarcasm intended)
Well like I said with the other paid lot if you don’t like it don’t use it. Take public transportation walk ride a bike there are other options than paying for parking.
For people that don’t have a cell phone then bring a friend that has one or ask a homeless person if you can use there’s.
Boycott all Remick and Heather Merry businesses. Anyone know what businesses they own?
Are you also going to start a boycott of all the other businesses in Burien that restrict parking on their property to customers and staff and do not allow the general public to park on their property?
How many of the above complainers would allow the general public to park on their private property?
The city can regulate pay parking lots to have them take cash on site, set rates etc. Of course, that is another restriction on business.
I’m no fan of Diamond and haven’t used their lots in years. That won’t change so parking will affect where I shop and eat.
Park on the street. Aren’t there tons of spaces? Might have to walk a block or two, but we all need the exercise.
I have already found myself passing by olde towne instead of stopping because of the free parking shortage. Bad for business!
The City Of Burien is as much of a parasite as Diamond Parking.
Tickets can be fun when you understand that they’re enforced by fraud & deceit.
Potential greed aside, here’s the reality of it.
#1. It’s private property and it’s not yours.
#2. Who cleans it, fills the potholes, paints the lines, picks up trash and dirty needles?
#3. The density of Old Town and the need for parking goes beyond the responsibility of landlords to provide. Feel angered and bitter, don’t go there because your stance now makes more room for others who realize that nothing in life is free. Example they even charge for oxygen in the hospital.
I miss the original Kirk’s Feed Store, where you could go look at the baby bunnies and baby chicks in the spring. And the little meat and fish market. That was the best place to buy a popsicle! I’m glad it has been preserved, but it just isn’t the same. You can’t pull your wagon up to the loading dock anymore.
And the Danish Bakery, my reward for making it through another visit with Dr. Sterner and/or Dr. Tanaka up the street.
The start of a lifelong craving for pastry.
Of course, the Danish Bakery! Bring back the Danish Bakery! I wasn’t allowed to eat anything with sugar after the dentist, though.
What about the Larson Bro’s bakery setting up a little soda fountain, ice cream and pastry shop on the corner next to Armoire Chocolates, to go with their coffee and candy? Or did something move in there already?
If I not mistaken I believe they slow down or stop selling most small animals do to illnesses spreading from critter to critter. Also a place for pets is right down the street. Soon there will be a PetSmart next ace hardware.
P. S. I miss making prank phone calls from pay phones.
I really don’t see a problem with a property OWNER dealing with THEIR property as they see fit. They are paying taxes on that property, not the general public that has used it for free.
Just what Burien needs, people boycotting local businesses.
There is plenty of no fee parking in Burien and, walking a couple of blocks certainly won’t do most of us any harm.
You can talk about walking to businesses IF you are not handicapped. If you were handicapped, you would not be saying that EVERYONE can park and walk.
Yes, now that we are “Out here on the edge, half way between London and Tokyo …you can’t stop…(wait for it)… Burien! 🙂 Too bad we didn’t grab that branding!! LOL
But seriously, who thinks up these prices? $1.09/hour …$2.29/hour and so forth???
And yes, I miss the real feed store, too! With the smell of the different critter feeds and new alfalfa and Timothy hay in the back, along with the conversations about everybody’s animals. How amazingly safe it all was. Never was afraid to ride my horse down to Three Tree Point or any direction for the day in the summer. Ten Acres (a little east of Fred Meyers), was a local place for kids to have their gymkhanas and invite other horse owners from Enumclaw, Maple Valley and the surrounding areas to have a day of events like barrel racing and keyhole and pole bending. Some ‘adults’ did some serious relay racing and not so serious clowning around. There was a great hot dog and hamburger stand which sent the aroma to lure passer-bys. If you were lucky you might get a chance to see Mrs Urane come in on her great Palomino – Tony and see what real riding was like. Both aging, but giving anyone who saw them a true delight. Off season, it was a great place to just get out for the day on horse or foot to see, and hear a pheasant take flight or try to cross the creek without getting wet.
It’s all paved over now, too. I’d certainly pay $1.09 to walk around it for an hour, like it was back then.
For real? That’s a great story! Someone from the historical society should check in with you. I was trying to joke about the wagon, I haven’t been around that long. (Except maybe a red radio flyer) But I do remember hay being loaded into the back of trucks and when the Tin Room actually sold tin stovepipes pipes
The City of Burien could set aside the parking lot by the old Pacific Iron and Metal building, which I understand is going to be the new museum, to ensure there is a lot for free parking.
Tourists are actually ending up in Burien, and when I’m on vacation I spend money on stuff I wouldn’t when I’m at home without thinking twice about it. Didn’t someone suggest the tag lin “Burien: Where You End Up When You Get Lost Looking for the Airport?”
My guess is the pricing structure was reached by taking a base rate of $1 per hour and applying a 9% sales tax leaving with a final cost to the consumer of $1.09 an hour, in my honest opinion this is likely as much about deterring abuse of the lot by carpoolers and nearby residents as it is about raising revenue.
Driven around SODO on game day recently, $50, $60 dollars for a lot near the stadium, that’s insanity, you gotta wipe your ass with gold toilet paper if your willing to pay sixty bucks for a 5×10 piece of asphalt for a few hours.
Out here on the edge:
Toto, we aren’t in Kansas anymore. Don’t know how long you have been here but, I would guess it has been awhile. For me, since 1956. Many changes, yes. Some good, some not so good. We are dealing with PRIVATE property. Owners should be able to do what they want, within the proper use limits.
Yes, I remember the Three Tree Point store, the What-Not & market in Seahurst.
Scott from Gregory Gulch
It is the owner’s right to create a paid parking lot, just as it is my right to not park there. The biggest problem is that it does not feel like a friendly, small town, customer oriented thing to do. I choose to patronize those places who make me feel welcome- and this just feels like money is more important than consideration. The neighboring businesses will be paying the price for the Merry’s decision, at least for a while. Our city is changing. Not sure I want to stay if this is the trend.
Nearby parking is available, it just requires creative thinking outside the box to utilize it. Key Bank has a large parking lot on 152nd and Ambaum. After hours this lot is not used. The Olde Burien Business Association, Discover Burien, and the City should approach Key Bank about opening this lot to the public after hours. The FDIC requires banks to provide a local benefit to the communities they serve. In that context this would be a reasonable request. Of course, being a good members of the community, not to mention that they currently serve as the City’s bank with over $20 million a year in business, I’m sure they’d be more than happy to provide after hours community parking.
Can I ask that the people who are upset by this please post their home address so I can come and park in your drive way tonight! Hopefully you have a 1 car garage so I can pull right in in front of your garage, on your property and keep you from being able to park at your home. Hmmm, any takers?
You all understand this is Private Property right? Who said it’s about money…..really? You think they are trying to make money at $1 per hour (minus whatever Joe Diamond gets)? If they are trying to make money isn’t that their prerogative? Who died and made you the person who decides who can make money and how they are allowed to do it? Seriously someone is calling them greedy and 28 of you agreed?!?! Really, a dollar, oh those greedy horrible people lol.
Do you all realize that there are businesses with employees and customers who might want to actually park at the buildings they lease from these landlords. When you decide to trespass and impede these businesses from doing business a good landlord should do something to make sure their tenants get what they need and PAY FOR in their rent. Yes the parking is part of the value of their lease, fairly obvious right?
Did someone say boycott the businesses in those buildings? Are you crazy? You think the answer is to harm good people doing good business because you want to park for free on private property just because you feel entitled?
Did someone say “we always use to park there for free” meaning that they think they still should?!? So because you have always done it, some how this entitles you to always be able to do it in the future?
Seriously what are you guys talking about? Slow down and think about this. This isn’t about owners of private property, it’s about the city and the lack of street parking or the lack of parking assigned to local businesses before they get a business license from the city.
Just stop it already, this is silly. You can’t park on private property for free anymore, it sucks but you’re gonna live that’s the good news! And if you have to walk an extra block, before enjoying a cold one you’ll probably live longer!
The owners are not getting rich off of $1 so there must be another reason.
To set the record straight: the building we are being associated with ( The Elliott Building) is not our building. We actually own the building next door and have owned it for years. After quite a bit of discussion and after a few other business owners decided to go with paid parking lots, we made the decision that we would have to do the same. This was primarily due to our tenants not having spaces for their employees or customers – they pay us rent and part of that rent is the parking lot. We do pay taxes, have to maintain and upkeep the lot and it is highly unlikely we will be making money on this new paid parking lot. So far it has cost us money which is what we felt we should do for our tenants. Sorry for the inconvenience to everyone who has enjoyed free parking – I too wish my home town could remain as it always has been.
Good for you Heather, I also notice that no one had any mean comments to say to you, and you only have 2 thumbs down. That is the way, they would never say any of this to your face.