From our friends at WABI Burien:

All are invited to join WABI Burien Bikers, who will cycle the lovely Soos Creek Trail this coming Wednesday, May 29, 2024, beginning at 10 a.m.

The paved trail meanders through marshlands, meadows, and forests over a gently rolling course that crosses and re-crosses Soos Creek all along the way. Cyclists who enjoy bird-watching may wish to bring binoculars for stops along the way as Soos Creek is rich with a variety of birdlife.

We will meet at the Soos Creek Trailhead parking area located at 19226 124 Ave SE Kent, WA 98031. We will plan to bike the 12 mile round trip trail. The trip is estimated to take about 90-100 minutes, including a break to rehydrate.

All participants will need to bring their own bike, a bike safety helmet, and are expected to follow safety guidelines as outlined in the Ride Smart Biking tips.  We also advise all bikers to bring: water for hydration, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a small snack (granola bar, dried fruit, nuts, etc).

Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Time: Meet a little before 10am so we can begin biking at 10:00.
Place: Soos Creek Trailhead parking located at 19226 124 Ave SE Kent, WA 98031
Who: Bikers of all ability levels
Distance: About 12 miles, round trip. Trail is gently rolling and paved, with a couple slightly steeper hills.

Questions? For questions, comments and suggestions, please contact: Dave Lipps at or Maureen Hoffmann at

Since 2007, The B-Town Blog is Burien’s multiple award-winning hyperlocal news/events website dedicated to independent journalism.