The B-Town Blog is proud to announce that we will be holding two Candidate Forums for the 2017 Burien City Council election – please save these dates!:
1. Tuesday, Sept. 26: 6:30 p.m. with 7 p.m. forum start at El Dorado West Retirement Community, 1010 SW 134th Street – for Positions 1 and 3:
- Joel Manning vs. Pedro Olguin
- Jimmy Matta vs. Debi Wagner
Tuesday, Oct. 3: 6:30 p.m. with 7 p.m. forum start at Merrill Gardens Senior Living, 15020 5th Ave SW – for Positions 5 and 7:
- Darla Green vs. Nancy Tosta
- Patty Janssen vs. Krystal Marx
Since we first starting holding forums in 2010, our goal has been to provide an independent, civil and safe event to allow residents to meet and hear from candidates, as well as for candidates to have a place to share their thoughts/opinions on relevant local issues with residents.
This will be our fifth election year of providing these forums as a goodwill service to the community, and we have striven to ensure that they have all been fair, successful and helpful to voters (watch videos of some of our previous candidate forums
This year our Moderator will be
David Ruby, a Civics teacher at Highline High School. He will ask relevant local issue questions, which we will write and choose.
Each candidate will be seated in a chair on a panel in front of the room, with a clearly marked name card, with candidates for each position seated next to each other, with our Moderator in the center.
- Four candidates will be on at the same time at each forum, with the format allowing for:
- Opening statements (2-minutes each).
- Relevant questions asked of all four candidates from the Moderator (with timed responses from each candidate).
- Candidate responses (most likely 3-minutes as we’ve allowed in the past) to questions that we decide on (as we’ve done for every one of our previous forums).
- Possibly a chance to rebut another candidate’s statement/claim with a process TBD (previously we used a “Purple Card Rule†where if a candidate wanted to rebut something, they held up a Purple index card, then had 1-2 minutes to rebut). This is still under review, and a we get closer to the event we’ll release updated info.
- Closing statements (2-minutes each).
We are simplifying the format this year, so there will be no audience questions asked live at these events; however, we are asking our Readers to submit questions in advance (email, which we will review prior to the forum.
It is our intention that each forum will be broadcast live on our
Facebook page, as well as video and audio recorded for later playback/posting on our website, which so far in 2017 has been averaging over 102,000 Sessions and 375,000 Pageviews per month (as per Google Analytics).
Our forums have historically been very well attended, and we are certain that this year’s will be as well.
SHOUTOUT: Super awesomesauce THANKS to Katalia Alexander for helping to organize these, as well as to all the Candidates and our host locations!
Thanks in advance for your cooperation, and good luck to all!
I just sent this question for the next forum in to the email provided, just like I did for the first forum.
I would like to know how each of the four candidates; Darla Green vs. Nancy Tosta and Patty Janssen vs. Krystal Marx stand on the possibility of a Safe Injection Site, in ANY form, within the Burien City Limits and/or the Unincorporated Area of White Center?
This is a “Hot Button” issue in this city and community, I think we, the citizens of Burien and White Center, deserve to know how each of the candidate stand on the issue.
I have no doubt that this question was purposely NOT asked at the 26 Sep forum.
This is the one I sent on 14 Sep for last nights (26 Sep) forum;
Do you support “Safe Injection Sites” where intravenous illegal drug users can “shoot up” with no legal ramifications ?
Would you support or oppose one being placed in Burien, White Center or other unincorporated areas surrounding Burien?