At Monday night’s (Aug. 7) regular meeting, the Burien City Council will continue its discussion – and possibly take action on – whether to repeal the ‘sanctuary city’ Ordinance 651, or put it on the Nov. 7 ballot.
The last special session on July 31 (read our coverage here) ended with an active motion still on the table. Will this next meeting be as unusual as the last, when police had to clear disruptors out of council chambers before letting visitors back in? How many sudden recesses or filibusters will there be? (perhaps this could be a new drinking game…?)
Also, new City Manager Brian Wilson will give his first City Manager’s Report (and no, he won’t sing it…).
Here’s what’s on the agenda (download the PDF here):
a. Proclamation Honoring Former State Senator King Lysen, who passed away Mar. 15, 2017.BUSINESS AGENDA:
a. Motion to Adopt Resolution No. 395 Pursuant to RCW 35.17.260 Calling an Election to be Held in Conjunction with the November General Election for Submission of a Proposed Initiative Ordinance to a Vote of the People and Instructing the City Clerk Regarding Presentation and Publication.b. *Motion to Appoint Pro and Con Committee Members to Draft Pro and Con Statements Regarding Burien Initiative No. 1 to Repeal Ordinance No. 651.
c. Discussion and Potential Action on Options for Future Participation in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.
d. Continued Discussion on Possible Solutions to Housing Instability.
e. Discussion on Source of Income Discrimination Protection.
f. Continued Discussion on City Council Meeting Guidelines.
g. Review of Council Proposed Agenda Schedule.
* Council will consider Business Agenda Item 8 “b†only if Resolution No. 395 passed.
a. Emerging Issues: Peter Western Bridge Update.b. City Manager’s Report.
Being this is the “Burien” City Council the only individuals allowed to make comments on any topic before them should be residents within the City limits. Outsiders and their agendas should not be allowed to participate in our City business and affairs.
Since you bring it up: A Seattle Republican Is Behind the Campaign to Repeal Burien’s Sanctuary City Law
Yes, one of the tree people is a West Seattle Replubican. Still the other two are Burien, which is obviously not report. Another fact is that 80% of the people speaking at the Council meeting in favor of the sanctuary city ordinance are ‘paid-for-showing’ non-Burien residents.
The best way to get an idea about what the people of Burien want is to get this on the ballot. Another way is the result of the CM election. When Tosta and Armstrong are voted out you probably get an idea about what the people of Burien want for their city.
Council members who want to repeal sanctuary ordinance are harming public safety. Don’t be fooled by their “law and order” posturing.
See following video and article at The Intercept.
Texas Police Say “Show Me Your Papers†Law Is Damaging Public Safety — Before Even Taking Effect
How can the harboring, employing and condoning of illegal immigrants be accepted by a nation built on law and order. Any other violations of law have consequences but this sets the precedent a certain class is above the law which is a huge mistake.
This means you can vote against this at election time. NOT that you get to decide it for everyone else.
Once the cops begin to enforce immigration laws again, crime will drop in Burien.
Interesting conclusion David. Please share with me the facts on which it is based. Tom
You can track the arrests and deportations by viewing the jail inmate locator and visiting immigration courts.
7, so far, against sharing facts? That’s awesome!
No facts are needed when you use the trump technique of repeating a false statement often enough to make some think it must be true.
Yes this David guy has a odd way of doing things. First he made threatening comments to the city council. Using those same false statements of big time Spanish gangs roaming the city. Then when the police knocked on his door. He talk to them from his video security system. Then posted the video online with the title of harassment by burien pd. When one officer was kinda in agreement with him on some political matters.
He seems to over dramatize the facts and spined information then spews it out for a response. Instead of using simple common sense. Just like some other people in burien and around the country.
So correct Lee. But this technique has antecedents. It was used daily by Dr Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister.
If the words ” fake news ” are used often enough sooner or later someone will believe it.
Heil Tweetler. Tom
I’ve reported this meeting to ICE this morning as a likely gathering place of illegal aliens intent on interfering in the voting rights of Burien citizens.