The King County Sheriff’s Office Marine Rescue Dive Unit helped retrieve an errant, drifting sailboat from bashing into some homes off Standring Lane in Burien’s Shorewood on the Sound neighborhood on Thursday, Nov. 1.
Police say the sailboat dragged anchor, then went aground near the waterfront homes in Burien.
They were able to pull the boat to deeper water, and tow it to Des Moines to meet the owner all before the tide went out.
“Please remember to check and double check your mooring, dock, anchor lines for the pending weather,” police added.
]]>Helping out the city of Burien on Puget Sound with a sailboat that dragged anchor and was aground about to bash some homes off of Standring Lane. Able to pull to deeper water and tow to Des Moines to meet the…
— KCSO Marine Rescue (@KCSORescue) November 1, 2018