In July, the Highline Public Schools Board approved a ballot measure to replace the district’s expiring levy, and the new one will be on the Nov. 2, 2021 general election ballot.
The district said that this new levy “will renew funding for educational programs so all Highline students have equitable opportunities to succeed in school.”
The new levy is not a new tax or a tax increase, the district said.
“It renews an expiring tax that provides local funding for critical needs not covered by state and federal funding.”
The levy makes up 13 percent of the district’s current revenue.
Levy failure would mean significant reductions in staff, programs, and services for students.
Here’s more info from the district:
What’s the levy pay for?
Levy dollars pay for needs not fully funded by the state, such as:
The levy pays for the support and training our teachers and instructional assistants need to provide students with high-quality instruction.
The pandemic disrupted students’ lives and education. The levy ensures that our students get academic support to be on track for the next grade level. It funds counselors and social workers who support students’ social-emotional needs.
The levy funds nurses and other staff not fully funded by the state. (State funding pays for only three school nurses to serve our entire district; we pay for 19 nurses who serve medically fragile students as well as general health and safety needs.)
The levy funds broad course offerings for middle and high school students, including advanced courses.
Cost Information
The levy is not a new tax or a tax increase. It renews an expiring tax that provides local funding for critical needs not covered by state and federal funding.
The tax rate for the current levy is $2.03 per $1,000 of assessed property value.
The proposed tax rate is $1.98 per $1000 of assessed value, starting in 2023. The rate decreases over the four-year life of the levy to $1.88 in 2026.
Our levy makes up 13 percent of our current revenue. Levy failure will mean significant reductions in staff, programs, and services for students.
In July, the board approved a November ballot measure to replace our expiring levy. The November 2021 levy renews funding for educational programs so all Highline students have equitable opportunities to succeed in school. Learn more:
— Highline Schools (@HighlineSchools) August 10, 2021