King County Elections is reminding all interested locals that the deadline to officially file as a candidate and put your name on the 2021 ballot is next week – from Monday, May 17 to Friday, May 21, 2021.

The Burien City Council will have four positions on the ballot:

    • Position 1 (incumbent Pedro Olguin – not running)
    • Position 3 (incumbent Jimmy Matta – running)
    • Position 5 (incumbent Nancy Tosta – not running)
    • Position 7 (incumbent Krystal Marx – running)

The Primary Election will be Aug. 3, with the top two vote-getters for each seat moving on to the General Election on Nov. 2.

“We strongly encourage all candidates to file online,” officials said.

To see who has filed so far, visit the PDC website here.

For more info on other elected positions, check out our 2021 Candidate’s Guide here.

EDITOR’S NOTE: As we’ve done since first going online in 2007, we allow each resident running for local office one free post to announce their candidacy (email text/photo to We also sell Advertising to candidates – please email for rates to reach our highly engaged local readers.

Voters’ pamphlet statements will be due the following Friday, May 28. Once filed, candidates will receive more information on how to submit their voter pamphlet statement and a link to do so. You can also check out the video below for more information on what that looks like:

For those who require in-person assistance, there will be a small team at King County Elections Headquarters to help you file. You can also call 206-296-1565 if you need assistance. Those who do come in person will be required to wear a face covering that covers their nose and mouth. One can be provided, if needed.

“We will not be accommodating large groups or photo opportunities inside of the building due to the continued COVID-19 situation.”

For more information on what you’ll need to successfully file for office, our 2021 Candidate Manual is available on our website.

Elections has also put together the following videos to be helpful resources as you look to file your candidacy:

If you have further questions or hit a roadblock at any point, please call 206-296-1565 or email

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Founder/Publisher/Editor. Three-time National Emmy Award winning Writer (“Bill Nye the Science Guy”), Director, Producer, Journalist and more...