By Jack Mayne
Burien City Councilmember Lauren Berkowitz can still attend sessions by telephone, despite having long been criticized by some members of the Burien public.
Berkowitz has physically attended only three council meetings over the past 15 months.
City Attorney Lisa Marshall proposed changes in Council rules, including one to accept and be guided by the latest upgrade of Robert’s Rules of Order. Another proposal by Marshall was acceptable speech where the Council “is free to request that speakers refrain from the types of speech,†but they were likely unenforceable if challenged.
Marshall did not make any suggestions concerning Berkowitz’s attendance, apparently because that is an issue only the City Council can decide. State law says a councilmember is removed if he or she has three or more unexcused absences, but Berkowitz has attended all meetings – just not in person – giving her de facto permission to be on the telephone.
Speech and rules
After a long discussion, the Council rejected 4 to 3 other Council rule changes proposed by Marshall that included updated Roberts Rules of Order and types of speech not allowed in the formal Council session. Voting no because they said they wanted more discussion at a scheduled May meeting were Mayor Lucy Krakowiak and Councilmembers Armstrong, Edgar and Wagner. Voting for the changes were Berkowitz, Tosta and Bell.
Acting City Manager Tony Piasecki and Marshall placed the changes the agenda discussion on proposed revisions to the City Council Meeting Guidelines, including a decision made over a year ago that provides that Councilmembers cannot use social media while Council was in session. Berkowitz routinely phoned in to Council while continuing to steadily Tweet on Twitter and post on Facebook.
The matter will return to the Council for continued discussions in May.
Tweeting during meeting
Berkowitz has personally attended only three meetings in the past 15 months, although she has faithfully “attended†by telephone virtually every meeting during that time.
On Monday night, as the Council moved toward the discussion, Berkowitz Tweeted: “Moving toward yet another discussion of council guidelines, rather than real issues faced in Burien.â€
Resident Charles Schaefer said during public comment that he appreciated that most members of the Council were present in person so he often could discuss items of interest with them before and after the session, or at breaks.
Local business owner Darla Green said “90 percent of people’s success is showing up and Councilmember Berkowitz hasn’t shown up in over a year,†adding “I find it incredibly disrespectful not only to the community to which she was elected to serve, but to you, the Councilmembers who do show up, it is very rude.
“And, mind you, we can’t hear her on the phone very well,†Green said. “I hope you will address it and have a backbone.â€
Resident Lisa Parks said she felt it unfortunate that people who take the time might have to be “concerned about what someone might say on social media,†referring to Berkowitz’s propensity to post comments on Twitter during the Council session.
“It is very disrespectful,†Parks said. “There have been many, many people who have gotten up here and were trashed on social media
Earlier, Berkowitz Tweeted:
Council wants to discuss council rules at yet another meeting. They want to discuss social media again, council attendance, etc. Non-issues.
— CM Lauren Berkowitz (@BurienBerkowitz) April 4, 2017
Watching the live television and computer feed while listening on the phone, Berkowitz said “I’ve even seen at least one Councilmember reading the news during Council meetings,†and she suggested one type of speech cannot be isolated from other speech forms.
Berkowitz then read a prepared statement over the speakerphone, which was difficult to hear and understand.
“Silencing an opposing Councilmember’s speech, whether by banning a social media posting at the meeting or by dictating the content of their speech is unprofessional and unconstitutional,†Berkowitz said via telephone.
Real issues, she said, were ignored by the Council making plans to “silence†her use of social media.
When Berkowitz was finished, cries of “We can’t hear her†came from the audience and Krakowiak told the audience to “hold your comments … for public comment periods.â€
‘Likely is legal’
As far as writing on social media, as Berkowitz does, it likely is legal, wrote Marshall.
“Assuming a councilmember’s written speech on social media didn’t cause a physical disturbance in the chambers, the Ninth Circuit would likely consider the guideline restricting such speech an impermissible regulation,†the city attorney wrote.
Councilmembers Austin Bell and Nancy Tosta said they accepted Marshall’s views, although Tosta said further Council rule changes may be needed and there needs to be a discussion about “actually abiding by the rules.â€
Mayor Krakowiak said voters should “vote your conscience … and a policy on attendance.â€
Councilmember Bob Edgar said he was concerned that approving the city attorney’s changes means “we are through with this†so that changes could not be made in the future and would oppose the proposed changes.
Are Councilmembers employees?
Councilmember Debi Wagner also opposed the Marshall changes and wondered if Councilmembers were employees of the city or were they employees of the voters, as Berkowitz believes.
Marshall said that courts have not yet decided whether city councilmembers in Washington state are employees, but courts have decided that state and federal legislators are employees of the body for which they were elected to serve.
Likewise, Marshall said the courts have decided that Councilmembers should have the same protection as citizens on free speech, “if not more.†Legislators are “immunized for speeches you’ve made while legislators,†both while in Council session and outside in the public arena.
Tweet fest
Councilmember Debi Wagner said Berkowitz Tweets a lot.
“At the March 20th meeting, Councilmember Berkowitz made 32 comments on Twitter and on Facebook that were not entered into the public record, not reflected in the minutes. They aren’t known by people who don’t have access to Facebook or Twitter so this is a discussion that is being had during a Council meeting at the dais…â€
“We have people here that can’t hear her,†said Wagner. “We have people who don’t have access to Facebook or Twitter so aren’t aware of the conversation†or responsive to the open public meetings act.
Krakowiak asked Wagner to clarify her remarks and Wagner responded that we have a conversation that is not available to all in the audience or at home via video feed.
Fireworks are coming
The city’s ban on fireworks has been an item of concern for the Burien Police for years but it has changed a bit of late, says Chief Scott Kimerer. Once the illegal fireworks were exploded on the streets where police had easy access, but now most are detonated in back yards where police can not go without either a warrant or permission of the property owner.
Kimerer said the 4th of July is his “least favorite holiday of the year†and that fireworks displays are a constant problem that represents a “huge workload on us on both the 3rd and the 4th.â€
Police “staff up†for the holiday, spend overtime money and try to come up with strategies working with the fire department and “what we come up with just keeps us running and running and running.†Police responded to 86 calls last year.
The public “has their own strategy†and moved to backyards and “it really does hamper out ability to deal with fireworks.â€
Adding to the problems is “things happen,†noting there was a double homicide last year on the 4th, and that drew his manpower away from fireworks problems.
Councilmember Bob Edgar said he checked other cities and Burien has the lowest fine imposed for violating fireworks bans.
Kimerer said the “overall impact†of fines is minimal because “other people did not get caught.â€
The Council took on action on increasing fireworks fines but asked the city staff to research that and other aspects and bring it back to them later.
Airports have impacts
The Council unanimously approved a letter drafted by the Burien Airport Committee regarding the potential updating of the Washington Aviation System Plan (WASP) by the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT).
Deputy Mayor Nancy Tosta, a member of the Burien committee, said that beyond the benefits of the airport, “are social and environmental impacts.â€
The letter, amongst other things, wants the agency to “aggressively consider alternative airport capacity options.â€
“Air traffic expansion, with its attendant deteriorating health and environment conditions, cannot continue to burden some of the poorest communities and residents of our state. This is not fair, equitable, or safe for communities already struggling to address homelessness, crime, and congestion,†the letter says.
Tosta also said that the eventual airport capacity far exceeds the current projections.
“So, what happens if you can no longer contain additional air capacity,†and that means another study that should be done “now, rather than later. To build a new airport is going to take more than two decades worth of planning,†Tosta said.
The City Council gave final approval for Westview at Manhattan subdivision, which will create the new lots for sale.
Are you kidding me ! Bezerkoitz tweets about the focus being on her instead of the real issues facing Burien. Her insolence and narcissistic behavior is reaching a magnitude so large it can be seen from space, the same place as her brain. This nonsense has reached critical mass and her Leftist pals supporting her actions should walk a fine line to be considered relevant in helping with Burien proper. The Bezerkoitz mantra – Me, me, and more of me rather than any of you lesser than’s.
The focus on L B instead of the real issues facing Burien. You must be talking about your own tirades. The issue does not warrant this much rancor but some seem to be enjoying being outrages by it.
You and your twin Joey Martinez must get together and talk about this on a regular basis because you’re both sitting on the wrong side of the fence of public opinion, reality and common sense.
What arrogance! She is a public servant of the hardworking taxpayers of this city….and yet has the entitled, superior mentality of the Great Liberal Crusader who is so above the moronic masses that she cannot bear to be in physical contact with them…How this nut was elected to serve Burien is beyond me and probably the most troubling sign of the future of this community.
As for Berkowitz non-attendance the best way to resolve it can be done by the voters November 7, 2017. The issue seemsss deeper than non-attendance, but merely non-representation of Burien voters and a focus on imposing Seattle failed policies.
I voted for Berkowitz with the hope of bringing a younger, fresh voice to the City Counsel. And because of her refusal to appear at the scheduled meetings, she is not heard and is a distraction from the real work.
She will not get my vote in the future.
Ignore her until she is gone. It is our only defense against her mania. Less said the better about Lauren B. Give her no attention. Who cares what she says? Not me.
Good, now let’s get to real business at hand.
Says her biggest fan, the work has been held up by her ridiculousness and grandstanding.
Berkowitz continues to spit in the face of the council members as well as the residents of Burien.
Wow…..Unexcused absence?…Like not present?….She should be gone! Being on the phone is a cowards way out. Thanks Loren for being the most selfish, self centered and narcissistic council member ever. Why are you even calling in? Just do all of Burien a favor and quit!
I agree that it’s time to vote Berkowitz out. We need fresh new leadership on the City Council. These folks just can’t get along. A leader doesn’t run away but stays to fight for their constituents. Please remember her absence come election time!
Berkowitz – the Donald Trump of Burien. Let’s move on and focus on more important matters – like airport expansion!
Oh please. If you think Lauren is anything like Donald Trump you know nothing about her. Comparing her to Trump because of Twitter is just plain lazy criticism.
well i suppose she might be under house arrest or possibly car troubles?
If its a car thing then i volunteer to be her personal taxi to and from the meetings.
I’m very late to this party. What is her reasoning on attending by phone over actual physical attendance?
I’m new to Burien, so forgive my ignorance on this topic. But why does she not attend the meetings in person?
What is her reason for not attending City Council meetings? Wouldn’t it be weird if the entire City Council decided to not show up and conduct meetings by phone? This is weird and rather suspicious…what is really behind this? Just vote her out.
It’s so interesting the people that have not liked L.B. from the beginning paying so much attention to her.
They watch what she tweets they read her Facebook page to the point where they complained when she doesn’t show up to a council meeting in person like they want to sit next to her. Like they want to talk to her you don’t like her we get it. Ok she doesn’t vote the same as you we get it. She trying to help get the homeless off the streets ( We can’t have that in burien because then these same people complaining about L.B. would have one less thing to complain about).
It the same people that dig for dirt on anyone they don’t like city council members cares employees who ever. Then over dramatize the assumptions in letters to the editor and random comments.
I understand people don’t like her opinion but why pay so much attention to her.
The same blog commenters who used to complain all the time about Berkowitz pushing things they didn’t like on the city council are now complaining she is never at council meetings in person and would therefore be doing nothing. How can one be at the same a) doing nothing and b) be behind everything they oppose?
LB has never been about ‘our’ Burien. She is now and always has been all about LB…and her extreme agenda. She wanted the job bad enough to campaign for it, but obviously not enough to actually do it. Her whiney victimhood is old news. Be glad to see/ hear the last of her.
I have said before and say again: Until you walk a mile in a person’s shoes, you have no business criticizing! She may have health issues preventing her attending meetings in person. There are many people with chemical sensitivities who cannot tolerate perfumes, toxic cleaning materials and the like. And, there are also people with a myriad of other physical issues. Unless she chooses to address them, if they exist, it is not your business.
I AGREE entirely too much time is spent bad mouthing her and no time at all spent addressing legitimate concerns about citizens not being able to hear her. In this day and age I find it hard to believe that a better sound system to address this is not being accessed. Today it is Berkowitz, tomorrow it could be someone else who cannot attend in person. This accessibility needs to be addressed as well as all the hateful comments by ignorant people.
BTW, I am not a fan of social media use by a council member during a meeting. I clearly DO remember a situation in SeaTac some years back where a couple of council members were texting back and forth during a meeting bad mouthing a speaker from the floor. I have never voted for either since and am Blessed to no longer live in their district.
Pat Paulsen
People have to be consistent: either Lauren Berkowitz isn’t doing anything (because she doesn’t come in person) or she is doing things people reading this blog don’t like but it can’t be both. Think about it.
and the award for Burien Council member of the year in the category of most negative comments is, the envelope please Lauren Berkowitz. Lauren was not able to attend tonight but she did send in a tweet thanking her fans and said keep those negative comments coming.