[EDITOR’S NOTEThe following is a Letter to the Editor, written and submitted by verified resident. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of South King Media, nor its staff.]

Why we must remain united

The results of the US Presidential election as we were all expecting would leave half the country with a feeling of deep resentment if not increased hatred against the other half.

This reaction is human, but it is based on false logic. 

We cling to this false logic at our own peril. Following our emotions instead of our reason will destroy our country.

There is a division – but it’s not between us – it’s just us, it’s human. The truth is that within every human being is our better nature and our worse. Our worse nature tends toward greed and pride; it feeds on lies justifying the things we want for our selfish selves. The better side overcomes division, sees the humanity in others.

Why did many Americans vote for Donald Trump? Because they want a better economy, first of all. They want secure jobs, good salaries for their families to thrive, and they want morality to prevail. They want a better America they can be proud of.

Those aren’t bad reasons. These aren’t bad people.

The enemy is lies. 

Donald Trump is not a new phenomenon. There are leaders like him all over the world, and millions of followers too. 

The enemy is the “me first at all costs” philosophy. And if lies will get me there, great.

There are lies spreading that these people should hate those people, that these people are bad and those people are good, that Americans are better than other people and we should put ourselves first. That the other guy is out to get you.

There are lies spreading that “me first at all costs” will make a better economy, a better world.

Let’s not fall for these lies. Please. Let’s make common cause among ourselves. 

So many who voted for Donald Trump voted for him for the first time. We have a choice: we can either see that we all want the same thing – better lives – and try to work together for that, or, we can buy the lies and think “those people are evil and idiots, our people are good and moral.”

It’s a huge, uphill battle, to make common cause. Are we up for it? 

Let’s do it. Let’s show that Americans are still a strong, beautifully diverse, enterprising people, up to any task.

Ukrainians, Russians, the whole former Soviet Union can tell you what it’s like when lies prevail, when Stalin all the way up to Putin told you that you are the enemy if you don’t submit your will totally to the all-powerful State. The Jewish people can tell you what they know about Hitler and the lies that prevailed – that they were the enemy, that they were the reason for economic misery. 

The enemy is not the other guy. 

The enemy are the lies that we buy.

Don’t buy it.

– Irene Danysh

EDITOR’S NOTEDo you have an opinion you’d like to share with our highly engaged local Readers? If so, please email your Letter to the Editor to scott@southkingmedia.com and, pending review and verification that you’re a real human being, we may publish it. Letter writers must use their full name, as well as provide an address and phone number (NOT for publication but for verification purposes). Read our updated Letter to the Editor policy here

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  1. Donald Trump is a fascist, and anyone who voted for him is supporting a fascist whether they know it or not. I, personally, will *never* forgive any Trump voter, even the merely ignorant ones.

    I think you would get value from reading the book “They thought they were free” by Milton Mayar. It describes the perspective of ordinary Germans during the rise of Nazi power, and how many of them were willing to ignore the signs right in front of them.

    If you ever wondered you might have done to stop Hitler, you’re doing it right now. You would’ve voted for him.

    1. As a self-proclaimed Socialist, did you throw your vote away on a Socialist party candidate therefore helping you’re nemesis rise to power? There’s this thing in America called freedom of choice but that’s not one of your beliefs as a Socialist is it? It’s rather funny for you to comment as every Socialist leader in the world has been a dictator.

      1. As a Socialist, I believe first and foremost in harm reduction, and I understand the under our first-past-the-post voting system, we will only ever have two parties to choose from. Not sure why anyone would think think that’s a good example of “freedom of choice.”

        Socialism and democracy can and do coexist quite happily. In fact, you gain democracy in the workplace as well.

        It’s funny how you derail and deflect any comment of mine to try to talk about Socialism instead of trying to have a good faith discussion.

    2. With the above logic one could also argue that Joe Biden & Kamala Harris is equivalent to a US terrorist but its quite Inane to reach that far, also similar to saying you know someone, and their future actions and the fallout that comes from it BUT in actual reality you don’t. (IE: Butterfly Effect)

      Balance is one of the most important keys to life: mentally, physically, and emotionally.

      The most closed-minded people I know are all people who are on political extremes. Their either ultra-orthodox/fundamentalist religious or they’re on the far-left or far-right on the political spectrum. Those groups are frustrating for any opposing view to talk with – NOT because they disagree, but because they say that their way is the ONLY correct way regardless of any opposing facts. (Similar to the cognitive mindset of a young human child before mental maturity) If it was as easy as some people make it sound, then we would never have problems on this earth.

      Viewing the US in politics shows its very easy to become hyper-focused mentally and emotionally, and at the same time it shows that some individuals may not allow themselves to see truth or facts when its told to them due to their own mental barriers in place… Eliminating balanced mental growth and new perspective.

      In general were all human beings with flaws, learn to adapt and overcome situations that come in front of you regardless if something didn’t go the way you had liked.

  2. Right on the mark. We have to access and strengthen our best selves. We also must speak out against the lies when we hear them.
    A good letter, thanks for writing, Irene.
    Sybil Davis

  3. This author made extremely thoughtful and balanced comments that apply to both sides viewing the election outcome. Thank you. To the person who stated they are a socialist… the USA is not a socialist country, never was and never will be. People yearn to migrate from socialist countries to the USA to escape the failed socialism miasma. If socialism’s what you desire, emigrate to socialist country so you can see why their citizens would give up all they have to emigrate to our country. There are many people who would gladly trade places with you.

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