The effective date for annexation is now all but official. At their next meeting on Nov. 23, Burien council members are expected to approve March 2 as the day that some 14,100 residents of the North Highline unincorporated area become residents of the city.
With the annexation of the southern part of North Highline, Burien will become the 21st largest city in Washington – just above Olympia – with a population of about 45,000. Currently the city ranks 31st in the state.
Burien City Manager Mike Martin recommended to the council members on Monday (Nov. 9) that March 2 be set as the effective date, the timing of which will allow the city to get the maximum amount of road tax revenue from King County.
“It’s finally before you,†Martin told the city council. “We’ve been waiting for this moment until the outcome of (Initiative) 1033 was known.
I-1033, which was soundly defeated in the Nov. 3 general election, would have established a baseline for spending by all levels of government in Washington and restricted how much new revenue they could spend each year.

Both Martin and council members had suggested that if I-1033 were to pass, its impact could delay the annexation process by Burien.
There was no detailed discussion of the annexation process at Monday’s meeting. However, some lawmakers did have questions about its impact on the city’s 2010 budget during a public hearing and review of adjustments to the city’s biennial budget and yearly property tax levy.
Almost 59 percent of North Highline voters approved annexation to Burien in the Aug. 18 primary election.
“The North Highline (Unincorporated Area) Council represents the people of North Highline and we are very happy to see annexation take place,†said Greg Duff, president of the council. “This is something that the people of North Highline have been hoping for for a long time.â€Â
The annexation area extends north from South/Southwest 128th Street to a line that zigzags west to east along Southwest 112th Street in north Shorewood, South 116th Street, South 112th Street, and South 107th Street in Boulevard Park, ending at Tukwila. Much of Beverly Park and Boulevard Park, including the Rainier Golf and Country Club, will be absorbed by Burien.
Left in the remaining unincorporated area between the new Burien city limits and Seattle will be the North Highline fire station, Evergreen High School and Pool, and the Top Hat neighborhood.
Emphasizing the fact that he was speaking for himself only, and not for the council, Duff added, “Personally, I hope to see the rest of the area annexed eventually into Burien.â€Â
So, When will the Northhghline UAC be re-organized?
Also, when will the Northhighline web site be updated with CURRENT
meeting minutes and UPDATED information about the remaining
unincoorporated area?
FYI, a large portion of what you refer to as “Top Hat” is, IN FACT, platted as
“Beverly Park”.
Also, the “pool” is no longer in existance–thanks to Dow!
[ Are you sure you want to “Be with Dow”, as the political add stated.]