The upcoming election holds great promise for the political cartoonist, and here’s your chance to meet one – Milt Priggee will be a SeaTac City Hall on Sunday, Jan. 10 at 2 p.m. for a FREE event sponsored by the Highline Historical Society.
Together with Humanities WA, the society is hosting a program and discussion with this experienced, professional political cartoonist.
Milt has drawn local newspaper cartoons in 12 states, and his nationally syndicated cartoons, caricatures, comic strips and illustrations have appeared in newspapers, magazines, books, websites, album covers, shirts and even wine bottles.
Priggee’s cartoon commentary has generated hate mail, awards, death threats, libel lawsuits and many heated discussions.
His talk will explain the who, what, where, when, why and how of political commentary as it evolves from print to digital-media platforms. The discussion will then turn to some of Priggee’s own cartoons, including some whichwere rejected from publication, and explore the stories bhind the art and the importance of political cartooning as a medium.
SeaTac City Hall is located at 4800 S. 188th. Parking and admission are free.
For more information, visit the Highline Historical Society at]]>