Highline and Evergreen High Schools have Wrestlers competing in State this weekend, and below are photos from the family of Isabel Herbruger. But first we’d like to extend a hearty “CONGRATS!” to all the local athletes who made it this far – we’re very proud of you all! Here’s more info:
Something happened at Mat Classic this year that has not happened for at least 17 years, and possibly never! The Highline team nameplate, in an old font different from all the other teams, was dusted off after the first round on Friday and placed in the tenth spot on the Top Ten 2A Teams board. By Friday evening it had gone back into hiding. At lunch on Saturday, the boards were dropped back down to floor level to be updated. The bottom names were partially obscured by fences, but in the Pirate section of the dome, it sure looked like it once again said Highline. I went off to investigate. As the boards went back up before the Parade of Champions began, Highline had reclaimed the tenth spot. It would come down to the last match of the tournament to determine if Highline would stay on the board. Every Pirate in the dome cheered for Othello to win, holding their breath on close calls before erupting in excitement as the final whistle of Mat Classic 2018 came to a close.
Thanks to Isaiah Perez (Othello) winning first place in the 285 weight class, Highline has its first solid appearance as a Top Ten 2A Teams at State!Click images to view larger versions/slideshow:Also:
- Senior Eli W. took 8th
- Senior Jonavan O. took 8th
- Junior Osman C. took 6th
- Senior Albano L. Did not make day 2
- Sophomore Javier U. Did not make day 2
- Caylee C. took 2nd
- Kevin P. took 2nd
- Osman C. took 6th