[EDITOR’S NOTE: Back with more great work is our youngest-ever Contributor – 11-year old Isabel Herbruger – who has earned a Girl Scout badge in Journalism, and is also developing her skills for another 4H photography project after winning top prizes in it last year. We encourage residents of all ages to submit stories and photos for posting – for consideration, please email yours to editor@b-townblog.com!] Photos and Story by Isabel Herbruger, age 11 On Saturday, April 30, around 250 volunteers helped beautify Burien in Discover Burien’s annual ‘Clean Sweep’ event. City crews gathered over 40 truckloads of trash from alleyways and other areas, and had already filled four 20-yard dumpsters when I talked to them. They will continue to pick things up over the next week, including all the yellow bags left gathered on pre-planned street corners. Lots of good food waited at the fire station for the volunteers who started their morning with a pair of awesome gloves (theirs to keep) and a huge yellow bag from Les Schwab. There was also a “Relay 4 Life” used clothing drive, along with a small recycling area. The Clean Sweep headquarters moved with the new fire station, so next year they will figure out how to be next to each other again. Driving around Burien, I snuck up on some of the over 100 volunteers who showed up to help clean up Burien. It was tough to sneak up on some people – they knew who I was! Found Girl Scout Troop #44039 (Brownies) on the Clean Sweep. When I asked them how far they walked, they said, “Feels like five miles.” When I asked them how much trash they found, they said “My bag feels almost as heavy as me!” Click images to see larger versions/slideshow: I asked some people why they were helping. Some told me after doing this the past 10 years, they have noticed a huge difference. When they first started, there were piles of trash to be picked up. Every year it seems like there is a lot less trash, which is a good thing. Others told me they had recently moved to Burien and noticed some bad areas near schools. They volunteered both their time and their own truck to help clean up. “It is important we work together to make our community a safe place for our kids and a nice place to live.” With the nice weather, I hope everyone gets a chance to go outside and do a “Clean Sweep” of their own front yards. Together we can help make Burien beautiful! ]]>
Since 2007, The B-Town Blog is Burien’s multiple award-winning hyperlocal news/events website dedicated to independent journalism. More by B-Town Blog Staff