This past Saturday evening was an absolutely perfect night to be outdoors enjoying the weather, especially if you were at Dottie Harper Park in Burien for the 2014 Arts-A-Glow lantern festival! BTB’s Michael Brunk was at the event and put together a gallery of photos and video that covers just a small sample of the great fun that was on hand for participants. This first video gives you a 4 minute sample of music, dancing, glow lights, juggling and more. [youtube width=”500″ height=”375″][/youtube] This next video is raw footage of the procession, play it full screen and see if you’re in there! [youtube width=”500″ height=”375″][/youtube] Finally, here’s a set of photos from the event. You can click individual thumbnails to view them larger. [gallery link="file" ids="76838,76839,76840,76841,76842,76843,76844,76845,76846,76847,76848,76849,76850,76851,76852,76853,76854,76855,76856,76857,76858,76859,76860,76861,76862,76863,76864"]]]>

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