Kialani Hines – who was raised and schooled in Burien – is now a professional Mountain Bike racer who says her career started with the incentive of a Happy Meal.
The athletic 23-year old is now a full-time, professional Mountain Bike racer who tours on the national circuit.
It all started on the SeaTac BMX track, with an unusual incentive from her Mom.
“Before I raced I wasn’t much into sports, but was always an active kid,” Harris told South King Media. “My older brother had discovered the BMX track so my parents got him into racing right away. It took me more convincing to get out onto the track – when I was 8 my mom told me if I went out and raced that day she would get me a McDonald’s Happy Meal afterwards. Needless to say she knew my weakness and my racing career began right there, I loved it! Not that food was my only inspiration (haha)…I know having an older brother who jumped so quickly into all sorts of sports helped me feel comfortable enough and inspired me to try something so different like BMX.”
Here’s a recent video showing just how far Hines has come:
Hines grew up in Burien, and attended Beverly Park, North Hill and Cedarhurst Elementary Schools, Sylvester Middle School and CHOICE Academy High School, where she graduated in 2015.
She now lives in Sunny San Diego, California.
When she lived in this area, almost every day she and her brother would go out to the SeaTac BMX track and ride their bikes.
“That’s where I basically grew up!” Hines said. “Along with SeaTac we traveled throughout Washington state to race and also nationally. I raced BMX for 10 years and in 2016 switched to Mountain Biking full time.”
Hines adds that while biking is still a male-dominated sport, women’s participation has really grown, even since she started four years ago. Not only has the level of racing and ability of women on two wheels increased so much, so has ridership in the sport as a hobby.
“It really is awesome to go out to local trails and see groups of women riding bikes and doing it so well,” she said. “The amount of inspiring female role models in the sport is inspiring for a younger generation of girls and myself! Its much less rare to be the only female out on trail and that is a great sign for the growth of mountain biking.”
Here’s more from a recent email interview we held with her:
Do you have a biking role model?
I have been so lucky to grow up in two sports BMX/Mountain Biking that have such amazing riders. Specifically growing up in the BMX world one of the female riders that still inspires me today is Alise Post, she is our true female BMX American Icon in my opinion and she still is taking titles and winning Olympic Medals! Entering the world on mountain biking a little later and Pro it’s harder to pinpoint role models since now I race so many women that inspired me to get into it! Though I find so much inspiration in the younger girls that are out on the same trails as us riding them just as good or even better!
Tell us about your biking history – where are you now in your sport? Any recent accomplishments?
In 2015 I quit racing BMX and transitioned into Mountain biking where I am now a Professional Mountain Biker. I compete in National events and focus a lot of my energy on racing the Cankworx World Tour in hopes to win Queen of Crankworx. 2019 I was running up to the Queen of Crankworx and though 2020 season was canceled I plan to continue on that path. Between winning medals and racing I represent my sponsors and also create content like my most recent and favorite project this far ‘Validation.’
Is biking your “full time job” now?
I have made Mountain Biking my full time job. Though I am still growing in the industry and in my racing – I have been so lucky to do what I love every day!
Do you see yourself at all as an inspiration to younger women?
I get this question or similar questions often. It is a hard one to answer because I do recognize that role and what it means to many. I hope that I can inspire boys and girls to do what they love, be yourself and understand that you have the ability to create your own path. I am here and living something I only dreamed of as a kid and it has shown that the world we live in today has endless paths of success!
What is your career goal?
My first goal is to race for as long as I can! It’s been a goal since I was a kid and so it’s the only one I am so certain of. Besides racing I hope to create a career where I can still provide inspiration in biking for all. Whether that be coaching, creating content or just spreading the word of mountain biking and getting more people on bikes!
Do you have any other interests/hobbies/jobs?
Growing up biking really has been my only hobby! Though since I have started spending more time in California I have really been out to try everything. Surfing, Motor cycles, rock climbing, pickleball (which my brother is very very good at!). The last few years have really been about just being outside and I think I can say I love that but being a WA native I know how to relax growing up with so many rainy days. So painting, card games, video games and cooking meals also are fun time consuming activities for me.
Anything else we should know?
Yes! I have recently become an official ambassador for ‘All Kids Bike.’ It is a program that promotes getting more kids on bikes throughout America! Their mission is to teach every child in America how to ride a bike in kindergarten class. I was lucky enough to see this program in action when I visited Arkansas elementary schools. Seeing a program that has the potential to impact not only each and every student but also all schools across America in such a positive way was really special. It has motivated me to try and spread the awareness of what riding bikes can do for our communities. One of my goals for 2021 is to get the All Kids Ride program into schools in Washington state, since Washington has yet to fund this program in any schools! As a Washington native and someone who grew up riding bikes I look forward to sharing this with my home state and all who want to explore two wheels! Visit to learn more about the program. If you are interested in donating to this program or are interested in my goal to get the program into Washington state schools email me at
Hines’ Sponsors:
- Pivot Cycles
- Troy Lee Designs
- Shimano
- Stans No Tubes
- Marzocchi
- Maxxis Tires
- Deity Components
Hines’ Socials :
- IG @kialani.hines:
- Facebook Kialani Hines:
- Blog
Links :
- All Kids Bikes Program: