On the agenda for Monday night’s (May 6) Burien City Council meeting: discussions on the sign code, homelessness, Correspondence to the Council, Sound Cities and more.
The meeting starts at 7 p.m. at City Hall, located at 400 SW 152nd Street.
Download the full agenda pack here (PDF file).
- Proclamation Proclaiming May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and 5 May 13-19, 2019 as National Police Week in the City of Burien.
(Bob Edgar, Councilmember / Ted Boe, Burien Police Chief)
- Proclamation Proclaiming June 2019 as Burien Pride Month in the City of Burien. (Krystal Marx, Councilmember / Debra George & the Burien Pride Committee)
Introduction of New Employees:
- David Traub, Civil Engineer – Journey Level, Public Works
- Penelope Penaflor, Accounting Assistant, Finance Department
- Officer Francisco Zepeda, Burien Police
- Officer Carlos Marquez, Burien Police
- Officer Cesar Molina, Burien Police
- Officer Omar Jackson, Burien Police
- Motion to Appoint Applicant to the Burien Airport Committee. (Brian J. Wilson, City Manager)
- Motion to Approve Appointments to the Planning Commission. (Brian J. Wilson, City Manager)
- Introduction and Discussion Regarding Zoning Code Amendment to BMC 19.30 Signs. (Thara Johnson, Senior Planner)
- Discussion on Correspondence to the Council. (Cathy Schrock, Administrative Services Director)
- Briefing and Discussion on U.S. 9th Circuit Court Boise Decision. (Lisa Marshall, City Attorney / Colleen Brandt-Schluter, Human Services Manager)
- Discussion on Sound Cities Association (SCA) Public Issues Committee (PIC). (Austin Bell, Deputy Mayor / Nancy Tosta, Councilmember)
- Review of the Council Proposed Agenda Schedule. (Brian J. Wilson, City Manager)