The Des Moines Chapter of the National Quiet Skies Coalition will hold a Community Forum on Wednesday,  April 26, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. at Mt. Rainier High School.
This free and open meeting will discuss new fight paths over the City and related noise, the status of NextGen flight procedures, and the overall impacts of Sea-Tac Airport operations on human health and the environment.
The group will provide a comprehensive half-hour overview presentation titled “Fight the Flight 101: everything you ever wanted to know about why those jets are flying low, new routes over our cities,†followed by several expert speakers to be announced.
For the event’s final segment, the group has invited each member of the Des Moines City Council to attend the meeting to participate in a question and answer session.
“Given the importance of these issues to the quality of life in our cities, we believe a larger community forum format is the best way to provide information and allow for some give and take with our community leaders,†said Quiet Skies member and Des Moines resident Steve Edmiston. “We appreciated that the City posted a statement on its website last week, but that statement also raised many more questions. Because our Council does not discuss these issues during Council meetings, we believe this is a great way to find out the positions and thinking of each of our City leaders on the issues.â€
A copy of the letter from Quiet Skies Puget Sound to the Des Moines City Council is here (PDF file).
A copy of the event flyer is here (PDF file).
Quiet Skies Puget Sound is the 29th chapter of the National Quiet Skies Coalition  The Des Moines group works with citizen groups all over the Puget Sound region, including the Burien Quiet Skies Coalition.]]>
live real close to 3rd runway, seems like they have started to use runway 3 for takeoffs. Wow lots of noise for sure. I don’t recall them using 3rd runways for takeoff’s much. Anybody else have any feedback on this?
The scary thing is that the noise and danger to your health will only get worse.
Complain about Seatac Airport noise to: Catrice Jefferson – 202-564-1668 – EPA Headquarters
Or City of Seattle, Seatac Hotline – 206-433-5393
Or use this form:
Or contact the FAAs Aviation Noise Ombudsman serves as a public liaison for issues about aircraft noise questions or complaints.
Contact information
Federal Aviation Administration,
Aviation Noise Ombudsman, AEE-2
800 Independence Ave. S.W.
Washington, DC 20591
Interesting we have people that want to sue the FAA over to much noise from aircraft. Then we have people saying that burien noise ordanice is unconstitutional.