REMINDER: Starting this Friday, Jan. 15, 2021, there will be two weeks of virtual activities to help fight hunger in our community – Burien’s annual Empty Bowls!
Empty Bowls events can be found around the country raising money to combat hunger in our communities, and this year – due to COVID-19 – local food banks are experiencing a sharp increase in need from our community.
Please participate in this virtual fundraiser with the following activities:
- DONATE to support the Highline and White Center Food Banks
- Purchase RAFFLE TICKETS for fun items such as serving bowls
- Watch videos to learn more about our wonderful foodbanks!
- Share soup recipes to be entered into a drawing to be an Empty Bowls Soup Judge for the 2022 event!
- Throwback Thursday pics of past events
- Soup making videos from some of our best soup winners!
- Follow BURIEN’S EMPTY BOWLS Facebook event page for up-to-date information.