From our friends at WABI Burien:
Start the New Year of 2022 this Sunday, Jan. 2, 2022 with a leisurely and spontaneous Walk-n-Talk around the Shorewood neighborhood, led by local frequent-walker, Gaylloyd Sissón.
The route will be decided on-the-fly, responding to the wishes and whims of the walkers. Come explore the area on foot.
WHEN: Sunday, Jan. 2, 2022 (Rain or shine…or snow!); Meet at 2:00 p.m. Start walking at 2:15 p.m.
WHERE: Shorewood Elementary School Entrance (North side of the building), 2725 SW 116th St, Burien, WA 98146 (How about carpooling with other walkers?)
ROUTE: The total route is about 2.3 miles. We start up high, at the school, head west and north, then drop down, loop through Shorewood Park, then down close to sea level, and back up again. There are sidewalks only here and there, and it’s hilly… just sayin’.
WHO: Everyone is invited and welcome to join in (including four-legged friends). Be aware that the neighborhood has some hillier areas than many of our Walk-n-Talks. The route will be affected by the possible presence of SNOW! Walkers are welcome to do all or part of the walk, and all may walk at their own pace.
Please remember that masks/face coverings are required and we will be mindful of maintaining social distance, for everyone’s health and well-being.
Check out our tip sheet: “Start Walking for Health and Well-Being”
For further information, please jot us a note:
Shorewood Elementary School is located at 2725 SW 116th Street: