Burien Police/King County Sheriff’s Office is reporting that two teen males were caught early Thursday (Sept. 21) – and stung (along with a cop) – after disturbing a wasp’s nest at/near Burien Nissan in the 16000 block of 1st Ave South (map below).
Police first received a call of suspects vandalizing cars just after 1 a.m. Thursday at the car dealership. When the first deputy arrived, he spotted two subjects inside a secured fenced area (most likely on he southeast side, on the Ambaum Cutoff) and saw one of them vandalizing a car in the lot. When the suspects spotted the deputy they ran, jumped on top of a vehicle parked near the fence, and jumped over the fence into a wooded area.
K-9 and the Guardian 1 helicopter responded to help search. As police continued their search they heard someone yell, “we surrender.†Two teen male suspects walked out of the woods towards awaiting deputies.
But wait…there’s more.
“When the suspects were walking out of the woods towards deputies they apparently disturbed a wasp nest which resulted in both suspects and a deputy being stung numerous times,” Sgt. Cindi West told The B-Town Blog.
The two suspects were identified as a 15-year old male from Seattle and a 16-year old male from Kent. Both were arrested. The 15-year old was booked into the Youth Service Center for Investigation of Burglary and an outstanding felony warrant. The Youth Services Center declined to admit the 16-year old so the case will be submitted to the prosecutor’s office recommending charges. He was taken home and released to his mother.
At least three vehicles were damaged with broken windows and damaged bumpers.
“We do not have an update from the dealership yet on value of damage,” West added.
Also, no word yet on the extent of injuries sustained from the wasps.
Assisted Deputies with locating two vehicle prowl subjects in the area of 160 TH and 1 ST AVE S.
— KCSOAirsupport (@KCSOAirsupport) September 21, 2017
Leaving the Law Enforcement Officer out of the equation, it’s really too bad those bites weren’t from Killer Bees.
Yes QofA a spread of killer bees is what we need in burien. Oh sorry killer bees that fight crime.
That seems like a logical idea!
One of your best one’s yet!
One of them released to mommy the same night. Probably back out prowling tonight.. IMHO.. I hope part of the restitution includes the cost of fuel for that aircraft used to spot them.. Thank you KCSO/Burien PD ..
Q A,
At least you are consistent: death to a couple kids for being stupid, tear apart families for a civil infraction committed years ago, harass the homeless out of our area, just let addicts die. That sounds like your version of the Burien First Burien Pride approach, which is the council slate you keep pushing. I see why you use a phony name.
You could sum it up as: “Their” lives don’t matter.
FYI – I have never referenced “Burien first, Burien pride” in any of my comments nor have I done anymore than indicate my appreciation of law enforcement. I like many others don’t care for drugs, addicts, bums, crime or lacadasial council members. Your insistence that I am heartless and cruel and wish death upon others is quite a stretch based upon random comments, much like you also participate in on this blog. Your Liberal leanings just make you ultra sensitive to those of us who only want Burien to improve and succeed without the disregard of law and order.
You are being a bit disingenuous. I didn’t say you used the term BFBP, but you have consistently promoted the members of that group as Burien saviors and consistently named their opponents as irresponsible bad guys. Wishing the bees that stung the kids and (as I recall) commenting that Darwinism will cure addiction certainly has implications of letting them die although the comments may give you plausible deniability.
Lee – you broke the record for straw men.
A Seattle 15 year old and a Kent 15 year old both out at 1am on a school night.
Where were their parents?
Why is Burien attracting young criminals from surrounding areas? The transit center? Drugs? Lack of Police? Sanctuary status?
What is it with all of these loser backpackers making B-town their hangout?
Another example of poorly planned capers by those who do not know the area. One, we are rightnext to the airport. The police station is five minutes away from everything. So the helicopter only has to go about two feet after takeoff to respond to anything. They probably consider it practice. Second, there is a whole row of apartment dwellers with front windows on that side of the lot to look out and see what all the car alarms going off at 1:00 a.m. are about. Third, any wooded area is probably wetland, or a creek bed, or a slide area, so good luck! Fourth, that is the busiest built up intersection lately. Ever. And the cutoff only turns out onto the main street one way, because it was planned around an old lumberyard back in the day. Sorry about the policeman and the wasps.
Without some kind of appropriate, adequate and timely intervention these two juveniles are headed for a long term commitment. I feel sorry for their families, dealing with that much pent up anger. How is Youth Services Center going to deal with this? Who will pay for the damage done to those cars? How can the public be made aware of the answers to these questions? Will we ever know or on the basis of protecting their rights not to know? I’m wondering.
Those above mentioned “backpackers” in an earlier post are out all night every night roaming your neighborhoods on those small kids bikes. And most aren’t teens. Their grown men. Very difficult to catch to.They blend right into apt complexes and alleys and they know them all. They steal your mail, they prowl your cars, Take your kids bikes, and sleep in your business doorways (leaving a big poop or needles behind as you know) or lets say the post office that can no longer keep the lobby open late. There are dozens of them along with the mental health issue transients wondering the bus stops and adult and teen foot bound homeless walking around with stolen shopping carts or blankets. Your in total denial if you don’t believe this and its been going on for Burien for years and getting worse. Nothing to worry about while your sleeping through this all and you don’t see it first hand. But when your mail is found in an alley in white center or a 40 year old bearded homeless dude is rolling down first Ave on your kids bike or your lawn mower is on Craig’s list you know now.. Oh never mind your locking mail box. You tube vids will show you how to crack one of those secure big square multi user boxes in about 15 seconds with one prying tool. Neighbor drove up to the Burien Post office drive through to drop a few letters on the way to work 4 am- ish and they were working fishing line down the drive through mail box grabbing mail. Right across the street from SW Pct.. They don’t care. They are slick on the bikes. Their out there and you need to know. If they haven’t fixed it by now……..
Correct and spot on, anyone who wants that to become an ever increasing mess as described will get more of it with the Liberal leanings supported by the “NO•MTOM”