Volunteers are needed for a Forest Rescue work party at North SeaTac Park this coming Sunday, June 25, 2023, from 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Meet in the park at the NE corner of Des Moines Memorial Dr. S. and S. 136th Street in SeaTac (map below).
Registration and full details, including what to wear and bring and where to park, are at:
The trees here clean, quiet, and cool the air – true guardians of the community!Volunteers will be working in a corner of the park, under towering poplars and Douglas Fir, that was almost completely overrun with ivy that carpeted the ground and climbed the tree trunks until we began to transform it in early 2021, removing weeds and planting white pine, grand and douglas fir, cedar, snowberries, fringe cup, salal, flowering currant, and more.
Continuing work is needed to protect these new plantings so that they can thrive.At this event, we’ll do a site tour to see how the new plantings are doing, remove re-emerging weeds, and continue to expand the cleared area to provide even more of a buffer for the new plantings – and space for new ones.
Online registration closes the night before the event, but in-person registration is available at the event.
Please email noemie_maxwell@yahoo.com with questions.
If you are not yet 18 years old and attending without a parent or guardian, please bring a completed youth waiver form, available on the registration page.
This is a SeaTac Green City Partnership event.