The Burien City Council will review a proposed update to its anti-camping regulations, as well as financial policies, its airport committee and more during its regular meeting on Monday, Jan. 27, 2025.

The meeting will start at 5:30 p.m., and can be viewed in-person at Burien City Hall, live on Comcast TV Channel 21, virtually via Zoom here, or online via Livestream here.

Anti-Camping Ordinance Update

Ordinance No. 864 seeks to amend Burien Municipal Code (BMC) sections 9.85.150 and 10.15.100 to align with recent judicial rulings and clarify enforcement provisions.

This is the public camping ordinance that King County has refused to enforce, and resulted in ongoing lawsuits between the city and county.

The proposed ordinance highlights a significant challenge – Burien lacks a homeless shelter or substantial support services for unsheltered individuals. While law enforcement and service providers may offer beds, shelter, or treatment if available, the scarcity of such resources within the city raises questions about whether enforcement of it could be constitutionally challenged if individuals have no reasonable alternatives to camping in public spaces.

Here’s the full summary from the agenda packet:

“The amendments to BMC 9.85.150 make the ordinance consistent with the recent US Supreme Court decision in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson and the Washington State Supreme Court decision in Potter v. Lacey. The ordinance prohibits camping on public property without any prerequisites to enforcement. Law enforcement may still offer beds, shelter, or treatment if they are available. If the person accepts the offer or agrees to not sleep on public property, no arrest is required or necessary. Additionally, BMC 10.15.100 is amended to clarify that camping is prohibited on public street rights-of-way. If there are five votes in favor of this amendment, it will pass as an emergency ordinance since there has been no enforcement of Burien’s ordinance for almost a year despite the aforementioned court rulings.”

The council is expected to deliberate on whether to adopt the ordinance or maintain the status quo, and needs five votes to pass it as an emergency ordinance.

Download the full agenda packet here.

Agenda Highlights


  • a) Lunar New Year Proclamation: Councilmember Jimmy Matta



PUBLIC COMMENT: Notice to all participants: Pursuant to RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the Council Meeting – including the public comment period – is prohibited.


  • a) Introducing Ordinance No. 863, Combining Arts Commission and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Casey Stanley, PaRCS Director
  • b) Reclassifying 1.0 FTE Accountant to Senior Accountant: Casey Headley, Finance Director
  • c) Revising the 2025 Financial Policies: Casey Headley, Finance Director, Kaitlyn Graham, Financial Analyst
  • d) Correcting the Salary Table for the Approved 2025-2026 Biennium Budget: Casey Headley, Finance Director, Kaitlyn Graham, Financial Analyst
  • e) Introducing Resolution No. 516, Burien Airport Committee Composition: Adolfo Bailon, City Manager
  • f) Introducing Ordinance No. 864, Amending BMC 9.85.150 Unlawful Public Camping and BMC 10.15.100 Parking for Certain Purposes: Garmon Newsom II, City Attorney
  • g) Discussing the City Council Rules of Order: Adolfo Bailon, City Manager
  • h) City Council Planning Calendar: Adolfo Bailon, City Manager

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