The Burien Police Department (Burien PD) on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 released its first-quarter (Q1) 2024 crime report, showing a decrease in most crime categories compared to the same period last year.

Police said that the report highlights a 5-year low in 911 calls, allowing officers to dedicate more time to proactive policing. This resulted in over 2,500 “on-view” contacts, which are instances where officers initiate interaction with individuals.

Arrests were also up, with Burien PD making 439 arrests in the first quarter. Drug offenses led the way with 82 arrests, followed by assaults at 70.

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While positive trends emerged in auto theft, residential burglary, vandalism, and assaults, the report identified +52 percent increases in robberies and commercial burglaries. Burien PD assured the public that several robbery suspects have been identified and apprehended.

A crime analyst and a detective sergeant are collaborating to develop a plan to address the rise in commercial burglaries.

“We are a growing community and have crime – similar to other communities in south King County,” Burien PD said. “This report contains big picture information and is not intended to undervalue the impacts on any individual when they experience an event, rather this trend information can help us focus resources and inform strategy in our police department.”

Below are stats released by Burien PD:

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