Burien’s Dia De Los Muertos / Day Of The Dead Celebration will be on Friday, Oct. 30 at the Community Center.
This is a new, FREE event celebrating a wonderful hispanic celebration.
WHEN: Friday, Oct. 30, 2015; 6:00-9:00PM
WHERE: Burien Community Center, 14700 6th Ave SW
- 6-7 & 8-9pm:Â Bolero music by Alma Villegas
- 7:15-7:45pm:Â Mexican dance with Grupo Folklorico Guadalajara
- 6:30-8:30pm:Â Mariachi Fiesta Mexicana
- 7-8:30pm:Â Storytelling around the campfire with Mirta Wymerszberg:Â Mirta y su bolsa de canciones, Mirta and her bag of songs!
- Face painting by Burien Arts
- Make sugar skulls, skull masks, Gods eyes, and help with a community altar!
- Play Loteria-Mexican Bingo!
- Food available for sale by Maria’s Tamales
- Ofrendas (Altars) by Highline High School Students, Para Los Ninos, Highline Historical Society, Grupo Folklorico Guadalajara, SeaMar, and more!

Celebrating Dia De Los Muertos is an insult to me as an American. It should be illegal to use taxpayer money or public facilities for this. No wonder Trump has so much support!
Mr. Smith,
Your comment is beyond repugnant and simply displays rampant xenophobia. What of the numerous Oktoberfests, St.Pats/Irish fests. Italian festivals etc. that take place every year in/on public facilities? They are absolutely no different. Have you never attended or participated in any of those cultural celebrations? Do they also raise your ire and should be illegal to fund as part of public arts and cultural enrichment? Or is it only because you hate Latinos that you are targeting this celebration? ( clearly, yes)
Yes ….no wonder Trump has so much support when there are so many small-minded, bigoted, myopic and racists individuals perpetuating the “ugly American” tradition.
Fortunately, you need not attend these joyful celebrations that galvanize community spirit. Go sell mean-spirited somewhere else.
Your example, Mr. Donald Trump is using the same tactics as Chancellor Hitler did before WW ll. He first began to lower rate the Jews, then he put out downgrading propaganda about them thus tapping into a deep-seated and unreasoning anger and hatred against them from many of the populace of Germany. Then persecution laws ending in deportation to the death camps in other countries such as Poland followed by firing squads, gas chambers and the crematoria. Thereby “cleansing” Germany of millions of Jews. Unless you are a Native American, your ancestors were immigrants as were mine. There was a day when the USA welcomed the poor and downtrodden to our blessed country. Now people like you don’t want to be bothered. When I go to the Dia de los Metros, I’ll pray for you, and I’ll enjoy the food and music. By the way the facility requires a fee to use it.
Mr. Smith, just what is it about a day of celebration to remember the spirit of those who have died that you object to? Are you also against Irish Wakes? Or, other practices of people for different backgrounds from you? Am I not allowed to served a smorgasbord? Perhaps you could give us a list of your prohibitions.
It is a day to honor the dead, not the dead of mind! And has been celebrated on this continent for years (traditionally on November 1st)
Wowza. Donnie S, letting that racist banner fly publicly. That’s a choice.
I’m proud of events like this going up in our community and I’ll be there with bells on! Thanks to coordinators and sponsors for setting this up and publicizing. I plan to wait in line with the 8 year olds to get my face painted AND eat an exorbitant number of tamales. <3 B Town!
I think it is wonderful that we have so many ways that we celebrate our various cultures in Burien. We lost a beloved kindergarten teacher to cancer this year and I was just informed today that we will be honoring Chris Soethe at this event. This will be a wonderful opportunity for the children that miss him so much to have another beautiful memory to hold in their hearts. Gracias!