Burien’s Severe Weather Shelter is extending its hours this week to include Thursday night, Feb. 24, 2022.
They still have quite a few volunteer positions open Wednesday and Thursday, and need a refresh on some of their supplies.
“Our biggest need right now is volunteers to help shelter staff welcome and feed our guests as they arrive as well as to help get people up and fed in the mornings,” organizers said.
Specific positions include:
- Dinner prep (all supplies provided, work at the direction of the kitchen lead)
- Dinner service (we deliver meals to our guests at their beds to reduce the need to move around the shelter)
- Welcome/Hosting
- Overnight/Fire Watch
- Breakfast prep (no cooking involved)
- Breakdown the shelter / put the church back in order
- Covid safety protocols are in place including distancing, mask wearing, and increased cleaning /hygiene for all guests, volunteers and staff. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to us at shelter.highlineumc@gmail.com. As a reminder, staff are present at all times, you will receive training onsite.
Most needed donations at this point include:
- Oranges
- Nightly desserts
- Bottled water
- Warm, waterproof outerwear (all sizes, including XL and XXL)
- Underwear (all sizes including XL and XXL)
- XL sized men’s shoes/boots
Please use the SignUp below to let organizers know how you can help:
The Severe Weather Shelter is located at Highline United Methodist Church, 13015 1st Ave. S, Burien, WA 98168: