[EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a Letter to the Editor, written and submitted by a verified resident. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of South King Media, nor its staff. We could not find any donations from the Letter writer to the candidate mentioned via the PDC.]
My husband Fred and I moved to Burien from Deephaven, Minnesota a little over a year ago. We were drawn to Burien’s charm, walkability, and proximity to our son, Sean. However, we are concerned about increased open drug use, theft, and homelessness.
We believe that some city councilmembers are more concerned with people coming in from the transit station than with the safety of residents, businesses, and visitors. We also believe condoning open drug use and turning a blind eye to antisocial behavior is not the answer.
We are voting for Linda Akey for Burien Council Position 2 because she is the best candidate to address these challenges. Linda is a nonprofit consultant with a proven track record of success. She is also a skilled communicator and a strong advocate for the community.
Linda will support policies to make Burien safer, more livable, and more affordable. She will advocate for policies ending tent encampments, promoting small businesses, and offering real services that help people.
We urge you to vote for Linda Akey for Burien City Council Position 2. She is the best candidate to lead our city in the future.
Kathy McNee
EDITOR’S NOTE: Do you have an opinion you’d like to share with our highly engaged local Readers? If so, please email your Letter to the Editor to scott@southkingmedia.com and, pending review and verification that you’re a real human being, we may publish it. Letter writers must provide an address and phone number (NOT for publication but for verification purposes). Also, because we’re receiving a lot of Letters during this 2023 election season, we will also attempt to include what writers have contributed to candidates via the PDC website. Read our updated Letter to the Editor policy here.
When the laws or rules they want to in act don’t get passed by the other council members . We sit here seeing things still going on and feel are vote is wasted. What do we do ?
When people say there is open drug use is that people smoking or vaping pot or shooting up or smoking fentanyl heroine cocaine or meth . What drugs are being used what can they do as a city council person vs state laws which some are changing on harder drug use .
From the 2023 Burien crime report as found in BTown Blog: “The numbers are looking better for Burien, according to Chief Boe’s presentation. During the same period, crime decreased in our city by 8.5%. Categories with significant reduction in occurrences are burglary, intimidation, and theft. ”
Claiming that theft has increased in the letter above is thus not supported by the data. People should vote for candidates addressing EXISTING problems, not problems made up to sustain an ideological agenda.
Yann, I am not interested in your data. We live in an apartment in Town Square and I have seen more crime, open drug use, and stealing than I care to experience. The steps of Big Lots are filled nightly with drug addicts, vomit, litter, and more. The window is broken and someone pours paint on the wall almost every night. Burien can do better.