Three Tree Point resident Virginia Wright is putting together a new book on the history of Burien, and is seeking photos.
“The book will focus primarily on relatively recent history, and will feature several major elements of Burien, including parks/natural beauty, incorporation of Burien into a city, festivals/public events, and arts/heritage/culture,” Virginia told The B-Town Blog. “There will also be a section on the impact of Boeing’s downturn in the ‘70s and the unrealized plan for a major mall in town (what became Southcenter Mall in Tukwila instead).”
But in order for the book to be a success, she needs additional photos from the community.
“Photos of nearly any subject are appropriate, as long as they are clearly related to telling the story of Burien,” she added.
The timeline on this project is very tight, and materials can be provided digitally or loaned for scanning. Any photos approved will be credited to the source in the book. Any images in digital form need to be high resolution, and more detail can be provided directly.
Virginia Wright is Chair of the Burien Arts Commission, owner of Phoenix Tea, Member of the Board of Directors for Discover Burien, and Director of Burien Culture Hub. She has extensive writing experience, and has been an enthusiastic supporter of the local community since she moved here many years ago. If you have anything to contribute, please contact
“The book is going to help show how awesome Burien is!”
Here’s a sample of the kinds of photos Virginia is looking for:
Local Author/Artist Virginia Wright seeking photos for new book about Burien
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Thanks for helping to spread the word! I’m sure that there are some fantastic visual snippets of local history out there.