[EDITOR’S NOTE: Now in her third year(!) with more great work is our youngest-ever Contributor – 12-year old Isabel Herbruger – Local Girl Scout, 4-H member, and aspiring photojournalist. We encourage residents of all ages to submit stories and photos for posting – for consideration, please email yours to editor@b-townblog.com!] Photos and Story by Isabel Herbruger, age 12 The Highline Pirates sent five wrestlers and two alternates to the State Mat Classic on February 17-18, 2017. The Evergreen Wolverines also sent two alternates. Friday was a busy day at the Tacoma Dome with the top 16 wrestlers for each weight class in attendance. Wrestlers have to win two before they lose two in order to come back on Saturday. The Pirates had four of their five wrestlers make it. Some highlights from day one were:
- Kevin lost his second match of the year to Wapato in round one. They met again on day two for another match.
- Kyle almost had a pin in the first round of his first match before he went on to win by points.
- Ty had a great battle against Sequim. The score was tied all three rounds until the last seconds of overtime when he lost his second match.
- Caylee had an exciting pin in her second match, making her eligible to go for first place on Saturday.
- Jonavan did a great job driving the coaches crazy in his final match of the day. He kept doing arm cradles to a wrestler much taller than him to score points instead of just pinning him.