The Burien City Council is seeking a qualified volunteer to serve a three-year term as Burien’s special member on the King County Landmarks Commission.
- Applicants should have a demonstrated interest and competence in historic preservation.
- Application forms are available at Burien City Hall, 400 SW 152nd Street, Ste. 300.
- Applications are being accepted through Friday, Jan. 17, 2020.
Burien’s special member will be called to attend only when the Landmarks Commission has a Burien application for landmark designation under consideration. The time commitment for this commission appointment may range from none to more than a dozen hours annually.
The King County Landmarks Commission meets at 4:30 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of the month in downtown Seattle.
For more information, contact Susan Coles, Community Development Department assistant, at (206) 248-5510 or SusanC@burienwa.gov.