Have you toured Burien’s Mathison Park yet? This Sunday, Dec. 7, the monthly Walk-n-Talk will begin at Burien Town Square and walk over to Mathison Park.
- WHEN: Sunday December 7; meet at 2:00 p.m., start walking at 2:15 p.m. Rain or shine.
- WHAT/WHO: This is a FREE Walk-n-Talk open to walkers and talkers of all abilities, including families and dogs. (Walk-n-Talkers should know that though this walk is “only†2.1 miles, it does include the slope up to Mathison Park, which can be a challenge for those with mobility issues.)
- WHERE: Meet on the grassy knoll at Burien Town Square, at 5th Place SW and SW 152nd Street.
- WALK TO: Mathison Park: 533 S 146th St., Burien WA. The 2.1 mile route takes us up and over Hwy 509, to Mathison Park at Burien’s highest point, where we’ll walk the park’s pathway and grounds.