Here’s what’s on the agenda for Monday night’s (March 6) Burien City Council meeting:
The Council will hold a Special Meeting starting at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers for the purpose of conducting interviews of applicants to the Arts Commission; discussing and evaluating qualifications of the Business & Economic Development Partnership (BEDP) applicants, Arts Commission applicants, and the Citizen of the Year Award nominees; making appointments to the BEDP and Arts Commission; and also naming the Citizen of the Year Award recipient.
Download the full agenda packet here (PDF file).
Here’s the agenda:
- Conduct Interview of Applicant to the Arts Commission.
- Discuss and Evaluate Qualifications of Applicants to the Arts Commission.
- Motion to Approve Appointments to the Arts Commission
- Discuss and Evaluate Qualifications of Applicants to the BEDP.
- Motion to Approve Appointments to the Business & Economic Development Partnership.
- Discuss and Evaluate Qualification of Nominees for the Citizen of the Year Award.
- Motion on Naming the 2017 Annual Citizen of the Year Award Recipient (The award will be presented at the April 3, 2017, Council meeting).
On the Business Agenda:
- Motion to Approve Proclamation Commemorating the Twenty Fifth Anniversary of the Vote on Incorporating the City of Burien.
- Discussion and Potential Action on FY2018 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project Applications.
- Discussion and Potential Action to Adopt Ordinance No.648, Significant Tree Retention Zoning Code Amendments.
- Discussion and Potential Action to Adopt Ordinance No. 652, Minor Zoning Code Amendments.
- Discussion and Potential Action on Burien Community Animal Resource and Education Society (C.A.R.E.S.)
- Review of Council Proposed Agenda Schedule.
The council meeting starts at 7 p.m., and a ‘rally against crime’ demonstration will be held outside at 6 p.m.
Burien City Hall is located at 400 SW 152nd Street.