The Burien Police Department on Tuesday (July 22) launched a part-time Bike Patrol with a focus on businesses and parks, and in less than two hours, found five alcohol violations. You’ll see them mostly in the downtown core, particularly around Town Square Park and the Library/City Hall on SW 152nd Street, looking for aggressive begging, public drinking and vehicle prowls, besides other illegal activities. The officers believe their presence should make a difference downtown. “It’s a quality of life issue,” says Officer Troy Smithmeyer, pictured below (left) with Officer Paul Mulligan (click image to see larger version): 10574348_10152756856578296_4804099890912082538_n Photo courtesy City of Burien.]]>

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7 replies on “Burien Police Department launches part-time Bike Patrol downtown”

  1. Come on down to Five Corners for the bums who live behind Trader Joes in the 509 bushes and cause trouble out front. Also the bangers who hang at Handy Andy’s mimi mart. You will have to ride back up a hill so maybe I wont see you afterall.

  2. So if they ever chose to get some exercise and actually leave the flatlands of the downtown core they will have plenty to do near the 509 & 518 corridor. How about just pushing the whole mess they encounter to the North end of town and into unicorporated KC/RC.

    1. I would like to see some more police action at the park on 158th/160th and 6th ave sw. It is becoming very popular with drug dealers and homeless teens. Those of us living close only walk there at certain hours or when there are a lot of other people around. It would also be nice if the city or the Highline School District spent a little more time cleaning up/clearing bushes around the perimeter of the park

      1. I know those bike cops are invaluable downtown. They can get to and from places
        in a lot less time than the cars can in certain situations and also can beat them bikes through the trails and brush where cars cant go.

  3. As a business owner on 153rd… would be nice to see them canvasing that street as well.

  4. I think this is a great addition to the police force.
    It would be even more fantastic if they could ride through the park on 146th and 4th which, lately, is filled with vagrants / addict teens who essentially live there, especially since the ‘regular’ police officers (in vehicles) who spend their entire day sitting in the church parking lot right next to the aforementioned vagrants / addict teens can’t be bothered to do anything about it.

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