We first shared BTB Reader Mary Hudson’s photos on Nov. 9 of a two-point buck deer that she spotted in Burien’s Seahurst neighborhood, and now comes new photos courtesy the Burien Police Department of what appears to be the same creature, seen over the weekend near 136th and 1st Ave South:
BPD gets reports of a Bambi sighting in B-town and guess what…..it was actually true!!! 2 pt. Buck at 136 / 1st. pic.twitter.com/TupwniEor2 — Burien Police (@BurienPD) November 17, 2014
Please be careful around it. Contacted WDFW but they were unable to respond. Not much we can do about it for now. pic.twitter.com/43DLLvZYT8 — Burien Police (@BurienPD) November 17, 2014UPDATE 11/17/14 1:45 p.m.: We contacted the Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife, who said:
“The Department of Fish and Wildlife does not normally respond to remove deer from urban areas. It is completely normal for a deer to be in a residential area and will normally find a safe place to go to live the rest of their life.”We also checked in with Burien Police Capt. Bryan Howard, who said:
“The officers watched the deer until it disappeared in the bushes. There was no evidence to suggest the deer was sick or injured and no reason to call WSDFW. Even in an urban city, we have wooded areas that are home to wildlife. That’s a good thing! If the deer does anything that’s aggressive (unlikely) or exhibits signs it is unable to care for itself, we would call WSDFW.”After we first posted Mary’s photos, some Readers shared skepticism that there was actually a deer in B-Town. One even went so far as to mock our coverage, posting this poorly-Photoshopped pic of an elephant walking in the street near Burien Town Square:

Would you be able to find out why no one from the Wildlife and Forest Service has been able to respond?
It is ‘our’ responsibility in this case to see that the buck is safe. Obviously he is confused; hopefully not sick.
And, I’m concerned about a vehicle/animal collision.
Any insight on my question?
Thank you.
Deer and bear have been seen swimming over from Vashon in the past. Someone must have an old article or pictures of earlier visits.
I called and they said it cost too much to relocate it. I agree it might cause a collision the way people drive around here, you think it would be cheaper to relocate it than let it get hurt or injure some one in a collision
Deer must have broken the odor ordinance to have so many officers after him
Please advise the poor thing to avoid certain pub areas where bullets sometimes go astray.
My son was there last night and the cops were funny as he!!….my advice for the critter is stay away from B@E Meats they make the Best Smoked Jerky…
I have seen deer all over place in ocean shores people seem not mind there you just have to be careful and don’t corner it or will defend itself also watch out if your driving at night or early mornings other than there fun to watch
Hunting season opens back up next week. I hope he’s still around! Taste so good in my freezer.
I think it would taste better cooked next to the potatoes than it would in a freezer.
I saw a deer around 2 a.m. about 3 years ago cross the street by the Chevron on Des Moines Mem Dr, then ran into the Sunnydale school yard. I called 911 because I was so surprised to see a deer in Burien and I was afraid a car might hit it. They told me there was nothing that could be done unless it was in traffic. It crossed the street again and ran into the woods in the airport property.
Venison jerky is pretty good stuff,