[EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article is another from our youngest-ever Contributor – 10-year old Isabel Herbruger – who has been submitting stories and photos as part of her effort to earn a Girl Scout badge for journalism, as well as qualify for a 4H photography project. She also has three brothers on the Highline wrestling team. We encourage residents of all ages to submit stories and photos for posting – for consideration, please email yours to editor@b-townblog.com!]
Photos and article by Isabel Herbruger, age 10
Last Thursday (Jan. 29) was the last meet for the Highline Pirates wrestling team.
They went against the Franklin Pierce Cardinals. It came down to the last match to decide who would win the meet. Unfortunately the Pirates lost 36-42.
It was only their second loss all season long. The other loss was to Renton and decided by tie-breaker rules.
Sub-regionals are this Saturday, Feb. 7, at Highline High starting at 9 a.m.]]>
PHOTOS: More Highline Pirate Wrestling pics from 10-year old Photographer
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She`s pretty good for any age,,