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By Suzanne Greive
I can’t believe it is August! Wasn’t it just the 4th of July parade? July flew by this year.
There is nothing more glorious than a northwest summer. We are rewarded for surviving the grey, drizzly days.
I had cousins from the midwest in town and they said they’ve never seen as many flowers anywhere. This just makes me happy. We really are so blessed to live here.
I’ve been encouraged recently at how many bicycles I have been noticing going by. It really seems to have increased over previous years and I think it’s great. We have such a lovely downtown that is walkable and rideable. There are bike racks you can secure your bike. As I’m typing this, a bike just rode by with a great basket on both sides of the back wheel. What a great way to do the Farmer’s Market.
Try to take some time to notice the butterflies, ladybugs, baby birds and other summer delights. Go pick some berries and make a wonderful cobbler for yourself, friends or family. You’re never too old to enjoy a splash park. Who said it’s just for kids? Find a grassy spot and lay out to enjoy drying off in the sun. Don’t let summer pass without having at least one watermelon. Even if it’s just your own yard, go outside barefoot. Let your feet feel the grass beneath them. I swear that the days I spent some time outdoors barefoot, the better I sleep.
What have you got to lose? It’s worth a try.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]