By Suzanne Greive When I grew up my Dad was in the Navy and the Air Force. We moved a lot and lived on military bases wherever we were stationed. They all looked pretty much the same. It was a different life than living a civilian life. I used to watch TV shows and they would have depictions of small towns where seasonal events bring out the best in people, hundreds of kids trick or treat, and families walk hand in hand down Main Street; and I would think to myself, “that can’t be real, that’s just a Hollywood version of what a charming small town life should be like†But it IS real and it’s right here in Burien. Not hundreds, but thousands of kids and adults came out for the ‘Boo in Burien.’ The adults were dressed up as much as the kids were. Arts–A–Glow brought out a record crowd and was so much fun. Block parties and 5ks bring out bands, dancers, runners, partiers. The streets are now decorated with garlands and wreaths around the light posts and the holiday tree is lit. People are shopping locally and greeting each other warmly. It’s so charming. There’s a sharp dressed elderly gentleman that walks Burien several times a day. He sometimes has his jeans turned up at the shoe like you would see in the 50’s. He wears a spiffy top hat with a feather in it and he walks with a bounce in his step. I love to see him each day. Every morning a white haired lovely lady comes out of her business and sweeps off the sidewalk with a smile on her face. She will always greet you with a big hug and is so warm and genuine. Somehow they just add to this whole feeling of being in a fantasy of small town life. It’s fun to feel part of a community and I feel so lucky to get to live here!]]>

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