[EDITOR’S NOTE: Now in her third year(!) with more great work is our youngest-ever Contributor – 12-year old Isabel Herbruger – Local Girl Scout, 4-H member, and aspiring photojournalist. We encourage residents of all ages to submit stories and photos for posting – for consideration, please email yours to editor@b-townblog.com!]
Photos and Story by Isabel Herbruger, age 12
The Highline Pirates placed second at Subregionals this past weekend.
Wrestling subregionals were held Friday and Saturday, February 3-4, 2017, at Orting High School. When you walked into the gym, the bleachers were full of wrestlers in waiting and cheering fans. There were a few close matches which got the crowd loud and involved.
At the end of day one, the Pirates were in second place as a team, with nineteen of the twenty-one Pirates making it to day two of subregionals. Each school can only send two wrestlers for each weight class. With so many Pirates moving on, there was a lot of Pirates fighting Pirates for a chance at being in the top six for their weight class.
At the end of day two, the Pirates held on to second place as a team, losing to Orting. Sixteen of the twenty-one Pirates placed in the top six for their weight class, and of those sixteen, there are nine who advance to Regionals this weekend at Fife Highschool. They start wrestling at 10 am.
This Lady Pirates also did a great job at their subregionals. There are three girls going to their regionals at Decatur High School at 10 am on Saturday.
Click images to see larger versions/slideshow:
For more photos, please check out Highline Pirate Wrestling.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
– Isabel H.
Aspiring Photojournalist]]>